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It's a shame that the gaming market has become so FPS-centric. It seems like the more people got into gaming, the lower the bar got set, and now we have the music Top 40 equivalent dominating everything else in sales. It's dragged the industry into a creative rut. Over 10 years and nothing to even touch Fallout 2, Planescape: Torment or Baldur's Gate 2. Not to mention nothing that's beaten IL-2, Jagged Alliance 2 etc. in their respective genres.

If everything up until this generation has been gaming's childhood, right now is gaming's awkward puberty, if I may paraphrase Yahtzee.

YES gonna pick this up
Yeah I kinda like having a physical copy... I've been burned out of digital games I've bought before. Also , on steam it's 9.99 for Deus Ex , and 9.99 for Deus Ex 2 , on amazon it's 13.99 for both... and I get free two day shipping
My favourite character is The Nameless One... or maybe a Daishi rigged with LBXs.

Agreed that Max Payne 2 was a great cinematic experience. I quite enjoyed Fahreinheit in that regard too. I hear Heavy Rain isn't too bad itself?

It's a shame that the gaming market has become so FPS-centric. It seems like the more people got into gaming, the lower the bar got set, and now we have the music Top 40 equivalent dominating everything else in sales. It's dragged the industry into a creative rut. Over 10 years and nothing to even touch Fallout 2, Planescape: Torment or Baldur's Gate 2. Not to mention nothing that's beaten IL-2, Jagged Alliance 2 etc. in their respective genres.

Oh man , I LOVED Heavy Rain ! One of the most original games you will ever play. Yes it is pretty much playing a movie , but everything you do really does change the outcome drastically and it is a fucking AWESOME , well acted movie.:headbang:
There is a demo on PSN
I turned on my 360 today for the first time in probably 8 months with the intention of playing red dead redemption and both my controllers were dead and my charging station won't charge them for some reason :(

better then any game you will ever play. period its so fun and just relaxing and when you beat a level you literally hear the most satisfiying sound, EVER

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