Rate Last Videogame you played , write a one sentence review.



Sorry, friend's cat got on my keyboard... I agree with you 100% :D

Ok honest question here , if you hated FFX why would you even bother playing FF13? It's obviously very much the same type of game
Mass Effect 2.
Best game I've ever played. Great mixture of RPG and Third-Person-Shooter, most epic story ever told, best, deepest and funniest dialogues ever, most detailed and "real" characters, nice graphics..
this really is the most awesome game ever made.
Currently playing Mass Effect 1 and it's also great, but ME2 beats it by far.

I've been wanting to give both a try...you just convinced me. Are their plots in succession or is 2 a prequel?
I've been wanting to give both a try...you just convinced me. Are their plots in succession or is 2 a prequel?

They´re in succession. Do yourself a favour and play ME1 first. The story will make much more sense and the experience will be more rewarding, as you can load your save state from ME1 to continue the development of your character on ME2 (you also get a free extra level). You make a lot of important decisions on the first one and it is amazing how well ME2 manages to tie everything based on your past actions.

Also, the controls and graphics on ME2 are much better than on ME1. If you play ME2 first, the transition to ME1 can be a bit of a letdown (but don´t get me wrong, ME1 is awesome).
thing is about mass effect its not actually a very good RPG. a good RPG should give you the options to tackle a situation however you see fit, be it with your silver tongue, by sneaking, by going all guns blazing, whatever, yknow? and mass effect has two options: nice guy or total douchebag
once youve summarised that, all thats left is a mediocre cover based shooter with a really cool story.
i really liked mass effect 1 but it wasnt a 10/10 or anything for these reasons. maybe a 7 for me. ill get ME2 eventually though, does look like a more refined game.
gonna finish some other shit first though
Hm, if I remember it right, in most scenes there are 3 or 4 different ways to solve the problem, in many there are even more. The very-nice-guy one (blue), the nice-guy one, the one in the middle for those who can't decide, the unfriendly one, and the real evil one (red). At least in ME2.
In my opinion there are only few other RPGs who let you decide how to solve a quest so freely.. and being an absolute asshole was never as cool as in ME2 :D
Yeah but the red and blue ones are the only ones that make any difference to the outcome of the game/situation. Awesome games though, both of them. But like gareth said, it's the story and characters that make it great, not the gameplay. Even though I would say that the mechanics are a bit more than "a mediocre cover based shooter", especially the second one.
I do have to agree that ME1 felt very claustrophobic for an RPG; I dunno, the fact that there was only one area (the Presidium) with tons of different people to talk to and things to do kinda bugged me, all the rest was quite linear, regardless of choice (so whether you, say, chose to help Opold smuggle or rat him out pretty much made fuck all difference). That said, I still loved it for what it was, and played it like 6 times :D
Yeah man i don't think it's an rpg as such, but still a fantastic game.

On a side note, did anyone here ever play planetside?
I like how the moral system on Mass Effect works. I mean, a Paragon (blue bar) and a Renegade (red bar) instead of only one bar with a balance (like the Honor on Red Dead Redemption). It represents much more the development of the character, his skills and how the NPC should see him, and the Renegade isn´t really an asshole, is more of a "badass".

All I know is that when I bought the "medical bay" for the ship I was looking like a zombie cyborg.
Nah... full renegade is not badass, it's being an asshole :D AFAIK, you only get full renegade if you take a shit on your crewmembers, never listen to what they say and be like "I don't care, fuck you and cry" when they tell you of their problems.
One time I was somewhere in the middle, being good to my crew, but showing no mercy to enemies. Most fun, yet most difficult, some sidequests can't be completed if you're not enough good/evil.
Shit I'm all about storyline and characters (I loved both KOTORs), gotta go out today and look for a decent deal on ME1. I do also like a real good RPG (Fallout 1 and 2) but I don't mind lighter fare either. I enjoyed playing Fallout 3 too despite the bugs, but it did leave a resolute bad taste in my mouth after completion (The ending was abysmally poorly scripted/acted, as if the entire game summed up to pointless).

Thanx y'all, now if anyone would recommend me a game like Freelancer...any of you ever played that one? I loved it to bits and have been searching for something similar ((actually something almost identical, that's how much I liked it) for years.
Age of conan - rise of the godslayer 1/10 .. downloadet 12gb only to find out that for some reason I could not pick the new faction. tech support have been no help.

Funcom, as shit as when I left the game around launch. :err:
Just finished dantes inferno (xbox 360)

first half is a solid 8/10 secound is more like 7/10.. way to much platform jumping and maneuvering instead of fighting.

But still I enjoyed it :).

Now in my queue of must complete games is Darksiders and God of war 2 and 3