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I finally finished Red Dead Redemption. Great game. Now back to Infamous, which I'm not liking very much so far.
^Seriously Kratos would destroy Dante haha
also yeah , inFamous was pretty gay , and it looks like the second one is trying to make even more reference to Prototype with the mutant monsters and shit...gayness
I don't know why anyone would want to make reference to Prototype. Shit sucked.

They both sucked. My point was that they released about the same time , and everyone was comparing one to the other. What I meant to say is this will draw even more parallels
yeah I do have to say Prototype was worse. I only could play it for about 5 mins before my brain melted with boredom and terrible graphics
No love for Prototype? I loved that game! The missions were VERY repetitive, but it had one of the best controls ever and tons of cool powers! I remember that at the end of the game I had so many powers that the non-stop action was absolutely insane.

Running on building > jump from it > air dive > double air dash > dive again > charged dragonkick on chopper > change to whip-arm in mid-air > hijacking chopper at distance > explode one tank > jump from the chopper letting it fall like a bomb > change to brute form in mid-air > elbow drop on another tank > grab an enemy agent while running > consume him and switch to his look...

Shit was intese. I can´t remember any game that frenetic. For those who doesn´t know it, this is the game:


It´s a crazy super hero gore sandbox! Now I wanna play it again! : D
I dunno to me it's all a big blur of button mashing and meat tendrils coming out of a hoodie, left no lasting good impression on me whatsoever. I also felt the sandbox element to be totally tacked on and done purely for the sake of making it a sandbox game.

The easy parallel to draw is recent spiderman games, same deal. Sandbox structure, forgettable everything.

I really wish developers could find a way to do the sandbox thing without making it seem so obvious, because it's starting to become the reality TV of video games.

Not trying to shit on your opinion or anything dude, I wish I could have enjoyed it because it had all the right elements on paper to be awesome but in the end I just found it to be unremarkable and something of a chore to play.
Dante's Inferno 3/10 Shameless terrible GOW ripoff

Well it was not like GOW was that original itself, I mean GOW was just DMC with some added extras (the whole press buttons fitality) :).

Also like narcossintese, I enjoyed Prototype.. not that I would say it was a great game.. but still it could entertain me for a few hours once in a while

Right now im playing God of War 2 on the PS3, and wow it looks way better then I thought it would (being a PS2 and all that) :D
Well it was not like GOW was that original itself, I mean GOW was just DMC with some added extras (the whole press buttons fitality) :).

Also like narcossintese, I enjoyed Prototype.. not that I would say it was a great game.. but still it could entertain me for a few hours once in a while

Right now im playing God of War 2 on the PS3, and wow it looks way better then I thought it would (being a PS2 and all that) :D

You mean the updated Hi Res GOW Collection? I have that and yeah it does look awesome.
About GOW , yes you can see that it has some hints of DMC in there , but GOW greatly expanded upon it and changed quite a bit. Whereas Dante is literally taking the same moves , basic engine , and even a lot of the art design from GOW. That in my opinion steps over the border from "Homage" to "Plagiarism".
Also if you are playing GOW 2 , wait till you get the Spear of Destiny. The moves and fighting style Kratos uses with that is pretty much EXACTLY what they gave Dante.
I laughed my ass off when I played Dante's Inferno and in mid-combo he even did Krato's trademark Slo Mo jump in the air, I was just like wow could we be any less original here
Burning Fight: 1.5
Played this on the Neo Geo emulator on PSP. One of the worst beat'em up I´ve ever played. Shameless Final Fight ripoff with even a Cody and Guy lookalikes. Doesn´t worth the crap I was taking while playing it. The only good thing I can say about it is that the backgrounds are beautiful and diverse.


Dude on a japanese truck throwing a molotov while I read an invisible newspaper
Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker (PSP)

Have not beaten it yet, but fuck me this game is SO TITS. Easily one of the best on PSP. I still think GOW and FF7CC beats it but not by that much.

I was thinking of getting the peace walker special edition psp...
I traded mine in right before E3 in the hopes that they would announce a PSP2 , alas no such luck...