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the new bionic commando was pretty wretched :(

playing zelda twilight princess right now. s'alright, nothing thats really getting me excited or anything.
Mass Effect 2.
Best game I've ever played. Great mixture of RPG and Third-Person-Shooter, most epic story ever told, best, deepest and funniest dialogues ever, most detailed and "real" characters, nice graphics..
this really is the most awesome game ever made.
Currently playing Mass Effect 1 and it's also great, but ME2 beats it by far.
Resident Evil 4 (Wii edition) - words can't describe how epic this game is :headbang: and how annoying the little bitch is :Shedevil:

i had to play it through three times, just BECAUSE :worship: and the controls are the best EVER! accurate shooting in 3D and still has that classic Resi movement
(HUGE RE fan here:rolleyes:)
EDIT: Peggle is f-ing addicting, good shit
RE4 wii has the best controls of any game EVER
need to get me the infinite launcher >:}


the infinite cycle: "HELP ME LEOOON!", [10 seconds of beautiful silence], repeat...
Gotsta get the knight armor for Ashley, it's mandatory :erk:
Pro: you get a badass mobster suit w/ matching hat
Con: Ashley's footsteps... *KLONK KLONK KLONK KLONK KLONK* :yell:
the new bionic commando was pretty wretched :(

playing zelda twilight princess right now. s'alright, nothing thats really getting me excited or anything.

haha I really wanted the new bionic commando to be awesome after bionic commando rearmed. Did you know Mike Patton from Faith No More was the voice?
Seriously FFX had one of the best RPGs of all time. OF ALL TIME!!!