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Red Dead Redemption: 9.0

Great, great game. Rockstar knows how to deliver. There´s so much to like and so little to dislike on Red Dead Redemption. I thought it was awesome to make a big part of the game in Mexico as there aren´t many great entertainment products about the "old mexico" universe. Reyes having a disgusting personality and the "I Know You" side-mission were a nice touch.
GTA 4 clone? Sure, but I wish they keep making thematic GTA clones like this and Bully, because the mechanics are perfect and they´re true masters of story-telling. They could make games about ninjas, samurais, pirates, vikings, yakuza, tribal warriors, cyberpunk... Hell, with this seal of quality I would play a game about being a granny on a "retirement house".
Red Dead Redemption: 9.0

Great, great game. Rockstar knows how to deliver. There´s so much to like and so little to dislike on Red Dead Redemption. I thought it was awesome to make a big part of the game in Mexico as there aren´t many great entertainment products about the "old mexico" universe. Reyes having a disgusting personality and the "I Know You" side-mission were a nice touch.
GTA 4 clone? Sure, but I wish they keep making thematic GTA clones like this and Bully, because the mechanics are perfect and they´re true masters of story-telling. They could make games about ninjas, samurais, pirates, vikings, yakuza, tribal warriors, cyberpunk... Hell, with this seal of quality I would play a game about being a granny on a "retirement house".

RDR is the first Rockstar game I've played where I actually gave a shit about the characters and unfolding story.
Max Payne 2 is one of the finest examples of storytelling and atmosphere in gaming, shame so few people bought it.
Niko Bellic is one of the finest written video game characters ever as well. His story and morals may not co-inside with the game itself (a man who wants to change his ways, but yet the player of GTA4 always ends up being a mass murderer, but hey, it's a video game, fuck it.)

John Marston is a great character though, but I actually think Niko steals the crown for me.
Either way, Rockstar finally near perfected the western genre in gaming, and it's about time.
coincide you mean?

I think Uncharted 2 has the finest controls of any game ever
I still say Snake is my favorite game character ever
Now that looks impressive.

definitely. My gf was ilke , they should totally make a movie from that

she thought it was christian bale doing the main guy's voice , it does kinda sound like him ! And in the middle , the guy he talks to at the window , that has to be Keifer Sutherland sounds just like him
definitely. My gf was ilke , they should totally make a movie from that

she thought it was christian bale doing the main guy's voice , it does kinda sound like him ! And in the middle , the guy he talks to at the window , that has to be Keifer Sutherland sounds just like him

I am curious about the angel scene in the beginning of it
My favorite character all time is JC Denton, deus ex

My favourite character is The Nameless One... or maybe a Daishi rigged with LBXs.

Agreed that Max Payne 2 was a great cinematic experience. I quite enjoyed Fahreinheit in that regard too. I hear Heavy Rain isn't too bad itself?

It's a shame that the gaming market has become so FPS-centric. It seems like the more people got into gaming, the lower the bar got set, and now we have the music Top 40 equivalent dominating everything else in sales. It's dragged the industry into a creative rut. Over 10 years and nothing to even touch Fallout 2, Planescape: Torment or Baldur's Gate 2. Not to mention nothing that's beaten IL-2, Jagged Alliance 2 etc. in their respective genres.
I am curious about the angel scene in the beginning of it

I don´t think it is an angel, it´s probably Icarus from greek mythology. His father, Daedalus, invented wax wings for them to escape, but Icarus flew too close to the sun and the wings melted/burned and he died. It has to do with the "human augmentation" theme on Deus EX. Technology overlapping humanity leading to disaster.
I don´t think it is an angel, it´s probably Icarus from greek mythology. His father, Daedalus, invented wax wings for them to escape, but Icarus flew too close to the sun and the wings melted/burned and he died. It has to do with the "human augmentation" theme on Deus EX. Technology overlapping humanity leading to disaster.

Good point, didn't think about that. Perhaps its time to reinstall that game and become reacquainted

I've been playing a lot recently. I like it, but the missions are getting a little repetitive. It's almost always about having to take someone down or chasing him and then taking him down. The bank robbery mission was a highlight, liked that one a lot (if we aren't talking about realism... Seriously, who robs a bank, then exits through the FRONT DOOR, kills DOZENS of cops and escapes ON FOOT... Stealing a car would be unheard of wouldn't it...? :lol: )

It's pretty much like GTA III but much better and more realistic... But at the end of the day, that's all it seems to be.

There's seriously fuckloads to do if you really get into it, which is cool, but it could use a little variation.