Rate Last Videogame you played , write a one sentence review.

I didn't know this Okami, I will sure give it a shot, next time I'll go into a Gamestop.

I played MGS 2 (sons of whatever, the one with the blonde guy) and i loved it! I have a copy of SnakeEater but have yet to play it.
I heard also that MGS 4 is great and it's one of the reasons I'll buy a PS3 in the future.

On a side note, would anyone here on this thread recommend me the very best (in their opinion, of course) PS2 games?
If you liked MGS2 , you will LOVE MGS3 , even MGS1 more. MGS4 is definitely badass, I really wish they would release a new version like they always did , with trophies and new stuff.
Best PS2 games:
God Of War trilogy
MGS2 and 3
Final Fantasy X
Gran Turismo 4
Devil May Cry 1 and 3
I had to trade mine in when I got the new PS3 slim , it doesn't play PS2 games. I hope they rerelease it on Blu Ray with better resolution and trophies like they did with God of War Collection and the Sly collection
If you liked MGS2 , you will LOVE MGS3 , even MGS1 more. MGS4 is definitely badass, I really wish they would release a new version like they always did , with trophies and new stuff.
Best PS2 games:
God Of War trilogy
MGS2 and 3
Final Fantasy X
Gran Turismo 4
Devil May Cry 1 and 3

I played to every games you list here except MGS3 (I have it but will begin it soon) and Devil May Cry 3. I played the first DMC but my lack of reflexes made it a little frustrating for me (just to make you laugh, I usually play God of War and similar games on the EASY option). Why the second one was not worthy?
Except for the latest one for PS3 I played almost EVERY Final Fantasy game! :kickass:
FF I-II on the Gameboy Advance (boring, both of them)
FF III-IV on the Nintendo DS (nice, very nice, I liked them)
FF V (I have it for GBA but never played it)
FF VI for the Gameboy Advance (yeah! very good indeed)
FF VII on the PS1 (the one that started it all for me! Masterwork!)
FF VIII on the PS1 (same as the VII)
FF IX on the PS1 (just a little less entertaining for me but I played it in a period of my life where I was fed up a little with videogames in general)
FF X on PS2 (I liked it a LOT)
FF XII on PS2 (maybe the best of all, up there with VII and VIII)
FF Crisis Core on PSP (didn't think they could replicate the feel of VII so well and update it but they did it)
FF Tactics on PSP (an endless strategically varied piece, still playing it from time to time).
Dude, I got maybe 8 levels/stages/whatevers into DMC3, but lost interest after I beat Virgil for the first time, it was just too fucking hard (and I was playing on easy mode - and for reference, I beat the first game on all except Dante Must Die mode). And yeah, 2 was crap, mostly because of the terrible camera
Are the Devil May Cry 1, 2 and 3 games much better than the 4? I only finished the 4th and thought it has kind of meh (and I liked Dante more than Nero). I thought the game was lacking specially when compared to Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2 (these new ones of course) and I was wondering if I had picked the worst of the series. BTW, people are sayin that Bayonetta is even better than DMC and Ninja Gaiden.
Yeah 2 was fucking terrible , not just because of the camera. It was made by totally different people and it was just boring and terrible, the first was the perfect mix of Castlevania and like , I dunno , the Matrix? lol
4th one my bro has , I played it briefly and it didn't hold my interest at all. I hear DMC5 will be made by the the original peeps
And yes I agree DMC3 was hard as fuck , I never beat it but it can;t be denied that it is a great game. Kinda like Ninja Gaiden , they are impossible but they are well made. They should make a lighter difficulty for people who don;t have years to spend mastering the games though
Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition 9.5/10
minus 0.5 for bits of the first couple of chapters being painfully disinteresting, but otherwise, probably the best game ive played in years.

currently playing through resident evil 5 on ps3, not impressed at all. Probably a 5/10 for me. Good gameplay mechanics, but it's gotten a bit TOO fast, and resident evil 4 still managed to actually be quite scary in its own way, while resi 5 isn't scary in the slightest.
it just suffers from trying way too hard to be a realistic, ultra serious, cinematic movie-esque game, when video games are a totally different medium. Resident Evil 4 feels like a VIDEO GAME, and which means FUCK REALISM BISH ILL DO WHAT I WANT. Yes, you can pause in the middle of a fight to root around in your attache case. Yes, that's a good thing.
Yeah, just... Not feeling at all motivated to feel RE5. I will, just cuz, but I dunno, it just feels a bit weird.

Probably get silent hill next. Looking forward to that one
I'm playing Resident Evil 5 at the moment... got to chapter 6 today... and i think it's amazing... 9/10 from me!
yeah, my view point seems to be in the minority. the few negative reviews i've read seem to dislike it because it's basically more of the same, but that's not my beef.
i enjoy it while im playing it, but it doesnt make me giddy like a little kid like resi 4 did.
I'm revisiting Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory these days.

I rate it 8,5/10, only because this game is virtually dead now, but there's still a couple of servers that are still pretty active. Great community, great maps (Siwa Oasis and Goldrush FTW!!!), great multiplayer game.

It takes me back to the good ol' days of video games wich I miss sooooo much now.
Honestly the last RE I liked was RE 2. RE 5 , I guess it's not scary at all , but as far as being too fast , you've gotta be kidding. You can't even fucking shoot and run still , I love how to compensate for the slow gameplay the zombies will run at you and then stop right in front of you and walk really slowly toward you lol . RE 5 should've used an engine similar to MGS4 or Uncharted since that was the action movie vibe it was going for but the controls killed it. It plays like a PS1 game.
the wii version of re4 is probably the best controlling game ive ever played