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Duke Nukem: Forver - It's the game that I've enjoyed the most since Painkiller(I love oldschool shooters.). They totally nailed the Duke feeling, but I agree with the previous posters that the 2 weapon limit smoked genitalia(I ended up using shotgun and the ripper for everything but the bosses.).
The Steam summer camp specials so far are fucking awesome. Finally got Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood and Dragon Age for good prices. Pretty sure I'm gonna buy 2 or 3 more games until the Summer Camp Sale ends.
They offered the Assassin's Creed Collection for 27€ yesterday (AC1,AC2,AC2:Brotherhood).
Cities in Motion

Excellent. If you like Transport/Railroad Tycoon type things. Great budget game from small developer.

Duke Nukem: Forver - It's the game that I've enjoyed the most since Painkiller(I love oldschool shooters.). They totally nailed the Duke feeling, but I agree with the previous posters that the 2 weapon limit smoked genitalia(I ended up using shotgun and the ripper for everything but the bosses.).

Yeah it's a great game, it's so fucking funny as the old school shooters
Maybe all the people whining about this game are just a bunch of fucking pussies.
I 'll rip your head off and shit on your neck
It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum... and I'm all outta gum
Just finished Assassins Creed Brotherhood. I love it: 9/10
It's awesome how the fights are so fluently and well animated, it always looks like a real good fight scene from a movie, but the fights were WAY to easy in general. Also the savepoint system sucks, if the goal for 100% sync is "do not get detected" and you get detected once, even after "reloading" (dying on purpose) and playing it again you still can get only 50% for the mission. FUUUUUU. I wish one could start again from the latest checkpoint as a real restart, not "your ammo is gone and you failed the 100% objective, but it's kinda like a restart".
Story, characters, feeling are ridiculously good. Very excited for Revelations.

No wait ! where did you get an unicorn to ride? lol can you do it?
if so, that's awesome
Haha yeah it's uneblievably cool :lol: The place is called "Harcane Grove".
It walks away the moment you dismount it, and it attacks everyone with a drawn weapon (inlcluding you!). It's also super strong and kills pretty much all creatures with 1-2 attacks. You can place it in the stables, though and if you do a quick-travel it's always beside you just like when you buy a normal horse.
Sometimes it also randomly attacks people or other horses (if you're not sitting on the unicorn).
Mine died after fighting against a couple of really strong Deadra on its own :mad:


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Just bought a bunch of games on the Steam sales. I can't judge any of them out of 10 because I've barely had enough time to start playing them, but first impressions:

Braid - fucking HARD. Spent a couple hours on this but I don't have the energy to think in my off-time atm. Very cool design though, a couple of things that I needed to go to YouTube for that should have been in a tutorial.
Darksiders - seems decent so far. Very simplistic gameplay, but that'll change as I progress through. VERY consoley.
AudioSurf - not sure if I'm doing it wrong but this game is a great idea with a terrible execution. The track itself aligns to the music but the boxes that you hit seem to have very little relation. I also get very bored in long stretches of no coloured blocks to hit, and I have no idea what to do in the more complex modes. Disappointing, but the good news is I've got an algorithm which is WAY more effective at hit detection so I've decided to make my own version.

Also bought Deus Ex, STALKER and Mass Effect 1 and 2, haven't downloaded those yet.
Damn you Steam sales. Over the last week I bought STALKER Clear Sky, STALKER Call Of Pripyat, AC Brotherhood, The Witcher 2, Fallout: New Vegas and Dragon Age :D
I wish they had DIRT 3 discounted, would've grabbed that one for sure. Also I want Portal but I want to pay no more than 15€. And Dragon Age 2 *sigh*
My haul:

THQ pack (£200 worth of games for £35)
BFBC2 pack
Farcry 2
LFD1 and 2

Now...... just need to wait until I have a pc to play on! :lol:
My haul:

THQ pack (£200 worth of games for £35)
BFBC2 pack
Farcry 2
LFD1 and 2

Now...... just need to wait until I have a pc to play on! :lol:

this is the best one: http://store.steampowered.com/sub/8705/

704,45€ of stuff for just 74,99€
you save 585,74 lol

Anyway guys don't buy on steam really new stuff (just out on shelves) , sometimes you'll find store with hard copies at a friction of the price.
For example the witcher II was 20 euros more on steam compared to store like amazon.co.uk or zavvi.com
Gameplay video from Elder Scrolls Skyrim. Looking great to me, really liked the classy and minimal GUI. The graphics are much better than Oblivion and the dragon design is perfect. Looking foward for this one.

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Batman Arkham Asylum: 8/10

Great game, really fun trying to get those crazy looong combos (110inarrow sofar) Addicting to collect all riddles. Bought a used game, so i got it really cheap :)