Rate Last Videogame you played , write a one sentence review.

the action/gameplay is kinda bad, but the dialogues, atmosphere, quests, soundtrack and everything else is so damn perfect that it´s not hard to see why it´s one of the most beloved PC games ever.

Sounds like the original Deus Ex. I'm wondering if I should check this out...
Has anyone bought "From Dust"? I just played the trial on xbox and it looks quite cool, but am not sure if the full game will offer much more, hence being a bit on the fence on buying it

Been playing the demo on xbox! it's great so far!
I think I'm gonna buy it for pc, it seems it's better to control the cursor with a mouse. Not that is so bad with a pad, actually it has a good control system, but a mouse is better in this case.
if you liked populus like me I guess it's time to buy it!
Of course the game is totally different, but it's always a god game.
For all the young people: popolus was this
it was the first god game ever!
Good call on Bloodlines, that is a fantastic game. I always forget about it having existed, but it's definitely one of the best of all time. Much better than the Deus Ex games in terms of hybridizing FPS and RPG mechanics.

Last one for me was Dirt 3: 9/10

Can't really say why but I enjoy this series a lot. The feel of racing offroad and doing your utmost to shave milliseconds from your time on trecherous Finnish dirt tracks always seems entertaining. They've made the handling and response of the cars a fair bit more realistic in Dirt 3 compared to the prequel, so it's even more engrossing and fun. The graphics are quite stellar too, and the engine well optimized.
I just bought two copies (one for a contest on my site), from the Youtube vids I saw it looks awesome!

The game was buggy as hell for me. I got all the way to the assault on the Prince's high-rise and had a continuous game ender ctd. I've heard that there is a newly released patch from the community that fixes most of the issues, but I havent played this game since 06 so I wouldnt know. Good game for al lthe bugs it had.

Who's waiting on Deus Ex: Human Revolution? I sure am. Been watching the leaked beta videos repreatedly lol.

Hopefully this will stream Carmack's keynote, hopefully he'll be talking about Doom 4.... we'll see

Carmack is the man!
I don't get tired when he talks of megatextures and other shits, he is so intelligent and smart

some technical videos about his awesomeness

Mass Effect 1 & 2. Didn't know they made games like this anymore. Really fucking good. I had the flu and literally just played these all day every day, finished both in about a week, week and a half. Mass Effect 1 was probably a tiny bit better, but they both had good and bad points relative to each other. I don't think I've been that addicted to a video game since.. damn, like HL:Ep2 or the original Halo.
Twitcher 2:

Great characters, stunning graphics, above average dialogue, tons of mature content, some boring quests, illusion of choice, bullshit skill system, bullshit combat (and therefore gameplay).
Pretty much +1. I am a huge fan of the first Witcher game and consequently love the second part. The story, characters etc is even better in Witcher 2, they obviously played a lot of Mass Effect / Dragon Age ;)
I tought the game was a little short but maybe that was just because I had a cold and finished the game after 3 three days.

I'd give it 8/10 points.

What always bugged me (also in the first game) are quests in the game that trigger an event or make you go to the next city / region.. and all old quests are cancelled. A short warning or special symbol for those quests would be helpful imho. I missed about 4 or 5 quests.
The second thing is the stupid savegame system. The game creates a new quicksave every time you hit F5. If you safe often - I always do - you will have hundreds of savegames plus the automatic saves. That means if you want to load a savegame even fast computers will take a minute to browse through the list. That's shitty. In the first game you could delete those files, now even that isn't possible (at least not within the game).
I hated the new combat system, and godfuckingdamnit this game was fucking hard! I failed miserable on the normal settings and had to play on easy for my first playthrough. I have finished an estimated gazillion RPGs and never had a problem like this -.-'
Also the crappy waiting time after a fight until you can use stairs, jump on rocks, and loot enemies made me nearly kill myself out of frustration.
Pretty much +1. I am a huge fan of the first Witcher game and consequently love the second part. The story, characters etc is even better in Witcher 2, they obviously played a lot of Mass Effect / Dragon Age ;)
I tought the game was a little short but maybe that was just because I had a cold and finished the game after 3 three days.

I'd give it 8/10 points.

What always bugged me (also in the first game) are quests in the game that trigger an event or make you go to the next city / region.. and all old quests are cancelled. A short warning or special symbol for those quests would be helpful imho. I missed about 4 or 5 quests.
The second thing is the stupid savegame system. The game creates a new quicksave every time you hit F5. If you safe often - I always do - you will have hundreds of savegames plus the automatic saves. That means if you want to load a savegame even fast computers will take a minute to browse through the list. That's shitty. In the first game you could delete those files, now even that isn't possible (at least not within the game).
I hated the new combat system, and godfuckingdamnit this game was fucking hard! I failed miserable on the normal settings and had to play on easy for my first playthrough. I have finished an estimated gazillion RPGs and never had a problem like this -.-'
Also the crappy waiting time after a fight until you can use stairs, jump on rocks, and loot enemies made me nearly kill myself out of frustration.

Nah the game is fucking short. Way shorter than either Mass Effects (I haven't played Dragon Age).

There's a lot that stands against Twitcher 2 but the most glaring problem is that it is at heart a spam the mouse-Diablo style affair except it's nowhere near as polished gameplay-mechanic wise. It is either too easy (upgrade Quen, upgrade sword skills, cast quen, slay fucking everyone), or too hard (god forbid you botch the character development, you'll get raped thanks to the game's less than stellar controls). Climbing is just plain fucking stupid, period. I'd be hard pressed to give it a 7/10, much as I hate quantifying any work with a decimal point system. Yes it is worth playing/paying, but it's not that great an experience in the end. Lots of eye candy though. Like many similar games in the "neo-rpg" genre (I'd chop off my nuts before I called this, Fallout 3/New Vegas, or Mass Effect RPGs), they make up what they lack in gameplay with plot and scenery. Not the best of trade-offs IMHO. And of course the episodic nature of games these days, where not a single aspect of the game reaches a conclusion of any sort, is getting rather infuriating. And Assassins of Kings is perhaps the worst offender yet.
Mass Effect 1 & 2. Didn't know they made games like this anymore. Really fucking good. I had the flu and literally just played these all day every day, finished both in about a week, week and a half. Mass Effect 1 was probably a tiny bit better, but they both had good and bad points relative to each other. I don't think I've been that addicted to a video game since.. damn, like HL:Ep2 or the original Halo.

Yeah I was rather taken by both when I played them upon suggestion here actually. Partly because they felt like the lesser children of KOTOR (you and your merry band go adventuring in a spaceship in a far less interesting universe). While the first had some miniscule RPG aspects, and was a little rough in parts, the second polished up the combat but dumbed shit down to moron standards. And I still can't get over the plot-arc in the second. Shepard dies, gets resurrected by some minor scum you were beating the shit out of in the first (a deus ex machina of unparalleled shittyness, at least I can't remember encountering nothing as fucking stupid in print, film, or gaming), and then you fight a gigantinormous fucking gayass T-1000 for the endgame (Like the Insectoid megafleet of Cthulu-esque dreadnoughts could do no better). All in all, after playing the final DLC for the second one, I am VERY afraid for the third. And that stuff ratsapprentice posted doesn't help. Bioware seem to be losing any grip on game design they once had. I heard Dragon Age 2 blew chunks as well.

Whatever you do BE SURE to play The Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC for Mass Effect 2 if you haven't already. The highpoint of both games if you ask me, and Bioware at their fucking best. Almost recalled the greatness they commanded in Baldur's Gate days.
Nah the game is fucking short. Way shorter than either Mass Effects (I haven't played Dragon Age).

Dragon Age is long. Took me a month of daily grinding on it to beat just the Origins game without doing the Awakenings expansion. It's made by a different dev team then ME was. And there's no PC voice whereas there's both a male and female voice for Shepard.

Just started Borderlands for the third time out of weekend boredom...the pov is fucked on widescreen for some reason. Looks like a close-up headache.
I liked Borderlands a fair bit, it had some charm, just wish there was some kind of dialogue/involvement with the world. Looking forward to part II. Have you beat all the DLCs? Secret Armory sure was the best, although the others weren't too shabby either. Game had lotsa character, even though it was real shallow.

I just went back to play S.T.A.L.K.E.R., all three, from Clear Sky onwards, with the Complete mod. Hands down the best games released in the past 5 years IMHO. All bugs/issues included, still head and shoulders above all the dumbed down rubbish.
The second thing is the stupid savegame system. The game creates a new quicksave every time you hit F5. If you safe often - I always do - you will have hundreds of savegames plus the automatic saves. That means if you want to load a savegame even fast computers will take a minute to browse through the list.

Yeah i remember that.
Was easy enough to move them to some temporary folder from time to time.
I just went back to play S.T.A.L.K.E.R., all three, from Clear Sky onwards, with the Complete mod. Hands down the best games released in the past 5 years IMHO. All bugs/issues included, still head and shoulders above all the dumbed down rubbish.

Hmm i don't remember...

Is STALKER the game with that stupid ultrashort range on all weapons ?

Like if i am 50 meters from an enemy - my bullets can kill him, but at 75 meters i can lose all my ammo and he will not even notice ?

I fucking hated that bullshit.

I can barely tolerate it on sniper rifles in Fallout3/NV.
The game has hidden stats, the more you use a weapon the better you get at using it (Borderlands style, but Borderlands shows and adds bonuses).

Of course preferences vary from person to person but S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games were and are difficult (for the console crowd). Once you upgrade a good weapon you can do whatever the fuck you want. I'd like to see the guy who can, in real life and at first try, manhandle an AK 47 on full auto to hit anywhere near the target at 75 meters ;)

Fallout 3/NV had other glaring fuckups that I luckily forgot how piss poor the weapon behaviors were. Thanks for reminding me though haha!
Yeah I was rather taken by both when I played them upon suggestion here actually. Partly because they felt like the lesser children of KOTOR (you and your merry band go adventuring in a spaceship in a far less interesting universe). While the first had some miniscule RPG aspects, and was a little rough in parts, the second polished up the combat but dumbed shit down to moron standards. And I still can't get over the plot-arc in the second. Shepard dies, gets resurrected by some minor scum you were beating the shit out of in the first (a deus ex machina of unparalleled shittyness, at least I can't remember encountering nothing as fucking stupid in print, film, or gaming), and then you fight a gigantinormous fucking gayass T-1000 for the endgame (Like the Insectoid megafleet of Cthulu-esque dreadnoughts could do no better). All in all, after playing the final DLC for the second one, I am VERY afraid for the third. And that stuff ratsapprentice posted doesn't help. Bioware seem to be losing any grip on game design they once had. I heard Dragon Age 2 blew chunks as well.

Whatever you do BE SURE to play The Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC for Mass Effect 2 if you haven't already. The highpoint of both games if you ask me, and Bioware at their fucking best. Almost recalled the greatness they commanded in Baldur's Gate days.

I think I've gotta check KOTOR out, it's always mentioned as such a great game, and even though I've never been a huge Star Wars fan if it's in the same vein as Mass Effect then it's gotta be decent.
I was also disappointed by the end. The T-1000 didn't even attack me, there was no challenge there, all I did was sit there and blow holes in it with my sniper, then it died. Seemed kinda pointless.
I'll check out that DLC.

I noticed a lot playing ME1 and 2 how much it relates to Blade Runner, especially with some of the environments. I hated Blade Runner (forced to watch it for school, I never made it all the way through without falling asleep), but I kinda 'get' it now, at least the environment if not the plot.
The game has hidden stats, the more you use a weapon the better you get at using it (Borderlands style, but Borderlands shows and adds bonuses).

Of course preferences vary from person to person but S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games were and are difficult (for the console crowd). Once you upgrade a good weapon you can do whatever the fuck you want. I'd like to see the guy who can, in real life and at first try, manhandle an AK 47 on full auto to hit anywhere near the target at 75 meters ;)

Fallout 3/NV had other glaring fuckups that I luckily forgot how piss poor the weapon behaviors were. Thanks for reminding me though haha!

None of those are as bad as Morrowind though, where arrows didn't seem to have an actual physical form... Went right through your enemy if your skills weren't good enough :lol: