Pretty much +1. I am a huge fan of the first Witcher game and consequently love the second part. The story, characters etc is even better in Witcher 2, they obviously played a lot of Mass Effect / Dragon Age

I tought the game was a little short but maybe that was just because I had a cold and finished the game after 3 three days.
I'd give it 8/10 points.
What always bugged me (also in the first game) are quests in the game that trigger an event or make you go to the next city / region.. and all old quests are cancelled. A short warning or special symbol for those quests would be helpful imho. I missed about 4 or 5 quests.
The second thing is the stupid savegame system. The game creates a new quicksave every time you hit F5. If you safe often - I always do - you will have hundreds of savegames plus the automatic saves. That means if you want to load a savegame even fast computers will take a minute to browse through the list. That's shitty. In the first game you could delete those files, now even that isn't possible (at least not within the game).
I hated the new combat system, and godfuckingdamnit this game was fucking hard! I failed miserable on the normal settings and had to play on easy for my first playthrough. I have finished an estimated gazillion RPGs and never had a problem like this -.-'
Also the crappy waiting time after a fight until you can use stairs, jump on rocks, and loot enemies made me nearly kill myself out of frustration.