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Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Initial thoughts after first couple of missions
-Game mechanics are awfully clunky
-AI is pretty much non existent
-Character models are just bad/General aesthetic of the game is far too cluttered

I have a feeling this isn't going to hold my interest, I am disappoint.
As with the first Deus Ex, it's not about the gameplay as much as the atmosphere/story (at least that's what I'm gathering from reviews of the new one, but I know I felt that way about the first, at least as far as the shooter aspects went - the exploration and infiltration was still awesome)
Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Initial thoughts after first couple of missions
-Game mechanics are awfully clunky
-AI is pretty much non existent
-Character models are just bad/General aesthetic of the game is far too cluttered

Agreed ftmp on all but the last point. I find it to be an artful and tasteful mix of technology, high-class aesthetics and a seedy gritty underworld.

The female hair models are pretty terrible. Seems like the Japanese are consistently getting hair right while north american & most european developers can't seem to work out how to do hair in video games.
As with the first Deus Ex, it's not about the gameplay as much as the atmosphere/story (at least that's what I'm gathering from reviews of the new one, but I know I felt that way about the first, at least as far as the shooter aspects went - the exploration and infiltration was still awesome)

yeah i gotta agree on this one, technically the original deus ex was pretty ugly and quirky for its time, but you just can't beat the atmosphere/story in it.

from what i've seen from the trailers and some playthrough, the game doesn't look too amazing. but i'm willing to give it the benefit of doubt.

i actually hated the original deus ex at first, but then fell in love with it. the same goes for fallout 2, and almost every other game i hold in high regard. more recent games have mostly been just realistic-looking shit. it looks pretty real yeah, but it's still shit.
The menu layout etc is fantastic, but 70% of the enemies are the same character models.
Exploring the areas is quite enjoyable, but the fps elements are some of the worst I have ever seen.
Really, really poor.

I might just have to buy Unreal Tournament 3, I guess I'm just an old school Valve/id/Unreal kinda guy... if you have fps elements, they have to be shit hot.
Deus Ex often comes out tops on greatest game of all time polls for a reason. I like what I've read/seen so far. With a game like that, few will care about graphical details and certain mechanics being broken. You're mistaking the forest for the trees. If you want a shooter-on-rails derpfest, you're playing the wrong game.
i actually hated the original deus ex at first, but then fell in love with it. the same goes for fallout 2, and almost every other game i hold in high regard. more recent games have mostly been just realistic-looking shit. it looks pretty real yeah, but it's still shit.

+1 (with S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series being the obvious exception)

And after reading Carmack's comments on RAGE, Looks like we're in for yet another tech demo with light gaming thrown in, in the glorious vein of Doom 3 and Crysis 1/2.
I´m not buying the whole Battlefield hype. I hate huge maps and I hate vehicles on FPS.
Every new FPS is supposed to be "the CoD killer" and fails. The last Medal Of Honor already looked better than CoD and still failed. My only hope is that it plays like Modern Warfare instead of Black Ops. Even the gun sounds in Black Ops is a bummer.
Do I need to play the original Deus Ex and "Invisible War" before I play the most recent one? I own the two early ones but I haven't really gotten into the original and haven't downloaded the sequel yet.
Nah you're good man...it's a prequel so it takes place before the other two games, diff. characters etc.
Red Dead Redemption for the X-Box
yeah, it's a whole year old, but i didn't buy it till 3 weeks ago, it was pretty fun except i sucked at horse-racing part
Do I need to play the original Deus Ex and "Invisible War" before I play the most recent one? I own the two early ones but I haven't really gotten into the original and haven't downloaded the sequel yet.

you don't need to play the original deus ex to get into the new one, but you need to play the original deus ex, period.
I can't wait till proper games start coming out again. There's only so long one can sustain themselves on Dirt 3 and Terraria.

Fortunately we have D3, Skyrim, Path of Exile, Dead Island and Borderlands 2 on the horizon, so if all goes well it should be a fairly gaming-filled summer (or fall, for you northern hemisphere folk).
I´m not buying the whole Battlefield hype. I hate huge maps and I hate vehicles on FPS.
Every new FPS is supposed to be "the CoD killer" and fails. The last Medal Of Honor already looked better than CoD and still failed. My only hope is that it plays like Modern Warfare instead of Black Ops. Even the gun sounds in Black Ops is a bummer.

I guess both are great in their own way. enjoyed Bad company 2 more then CoD black ops thas for sure. That is mainly because of the shitty online/network coding of CoD. But i also love to play as Sniper on Hardcore mode in BD2, with those huge maps you can find nice spots to camp and take out enemies faaaaaaaaaar away. My record is 505poiints marksman headshoot which is pretty badass :) So im hoping for big maps in Battlefield 3
Sweet, I want to buy it but it's $70 ($45 in the US, even though its region-free? Fuck off) on Steam and I can find it much cheaper elsewhere.

How legit does this look..? It seems to be an official site, Steam keys from the US rather from Australia to get it cheaper. Alternatively, Aussie's, where did you buy yours?
Battlefield has never really been anything like Cod, it's only really the Bad Company games which have made it seem so by speeding up the game a lot and having smaller maps.

Let me make it clear, I completely understand what Deus ex is about, and it's very good at doing the exploration/investigation thing well.
But I feel that it's got some very big issues, it feels like playing GTA in first person at times.
Also, let me clarify that I was calling the action "very, very poor" in my last post, not the game overall.
I got out of gaming for a while, so I've been doing lots of catching up lately.

Just finished the main quest of Oblivion. I enjoyed the game, but there just isn't enough there to keep me interested enough to keep playing any of the other quests. I can appreciate the sandbox aspects of the game, but it just gets a bit too boring and tedious for me. I also wish there was more variety in the enemies.

Revisiting God of War...never beat it the first time around. Still kicks ass.

Just started Mass Effect 1. I'm only about an hour into it, and I'm still getting used to the controls/interface. Feels a bit clunky, but I'm sure I'll get used to it soon enough. Digging it already.