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Abuse (from around the mid 90's)

anyone played this? it's a fast-paced side-scrolling shooter that utilizes mouse for aiming.

it still looks so damn cool.
Path of Exile (Closed Beta)

6/10: The guys need to expand the game with more monster and item types, and also develop on the quest structure so the game doesn't feel quite so sparse and repetitive. It's coming along splendidly as a Diablo clone though... I'm amazed at how similar the feel is to D2 on the whole. With some heavy work in populating the world with more variety I think they've got a good time-killer on their hands.
Abuse (from around the mid 90's)

anyone played this? it's a fast-paced side-scrolling shooter that utilizes mouse for aiming.

it still looks so damn cool.

Sweet game. If you like the style you may want to play ARES, a similar game that was released last year

From Dust (pc) - 6.5 - Really, really bad port, game is ok.

Unreal Tournament 3 - 7 - Can't touch the original or 2004, wish they had stuck to the traditional tournament story.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution - 6.5/7 - S'allright.

Crysis - 6.5 - Great looking game, could have been better. Not as good as Farcry.

Shogun: Total War 2 - 7 - Not as good as Medieval: TW, from what I remember.

Starcraft 2 - 8 - Great RTS. (turning on AA murders the FPS, at least on an ATI card)
I so don't agree with this, DOOM 3 is installed on my computer since 2004 and I still play it on a daily baisis, the engine is wonderful to explore and like MindMunch said, it pretty much has set the path for every other FPS that came after, so it is still my favorite FPS with Quake 1. But I can understand why you don't like the game, it's just not horribad like you stated imo.

Doom 3 didn't have anything to do with the doom series at all, except for the names used in the making.
Still to this day I'm amazed how far from the atmosphere of the first game Doom 3 was, it completely lacks that apocalyptic/semi-medieval feeling of Doom 1 & 2.
The engine was sub par at release and the only thing it brought to the table that was new at the time was specular mapping and per-pixel lighting.

The "scares" only worked for the first few maps, then you learned how they set them up so you always knew beforehand.
The only "scary" thing about the game was the lack of health and ammo.

I think Raven pretty much screwed up Quake 4 which is sad it could had been way better, the game is fun after you become a semi-strogg (+25% running speed+ strafejumping = quake 2 running speed) one thing that Carmack fucked up badly in ID tech 4 is physics engine, maybe that's why Quake 4 wasn't that good for me, I hope it will get better for Tech 5.

While Q4 didn't bring much new to the table either, i still thought that the single player campaign was a good follow up on Quake 2.
But I agree about the speed, it was f-ing slow(And I think Quake 2 is slow!).

I found the multiplayer to be really fun(Especially the sliding feature.), but at a professional level i have to admit that it tightened the gap between pro/semi-pro players.

I am pretty sure that Rage will be a crossover of Stalker/Twisted Metal, which is refreshing, yet I am waiting to open the console engine and see the new functions of it.

I think Rage will be a great game as well.. I'm really looking forward to it.
I'm looking forward even more to Doom 4 though, which was supposed to make Rage look like junk. :lol:

id games are hardly ever revolutionary, but they are always solid pieces of work.


First smooth scrolling computer game ever made, also one of the first ever EGA games made.


One of the first "3D" games ever made, and its considered the earliest complete FPS-title ever made.
Also notably the first "3D" game with moving walls.


The first game to feature diagonal walls, stairs, moving platforms, triggers and lighting effects.. and if i remember this right, it was also the first FPS with multiplayer support.


The very first full 3D game, it also featured highly advanced AI and triggering mechanisms for its time.
You can still find chunks of this code present in modern games(The console & triggering system in the source engine for instance.).
Haha I have been playing it for 3 hours (Im using a US VPN for other reasons and found out that also meant I could unlock it :D)

Yes they did release a dev/beta/broken version.
Yes my dlc content is gone.
Yes they have fucked up my save game so I have to start other D:
Some people is whining about this being a straight console port, dont know if im just less picky.. but it does not seem to bad to me.

But still I will give this a 8/10 and hopefully I can enjoy the proper version soon !
Not sure what people were expecting (other then a working release ha), but IMO its lots of fun :D
Haha I have been playing it for 3 hours (Im using a US VPN for other reasons and found out that also meant I could unlock it :D)

Yes they did release a dev/beta/broken version.
Yes my dlc content is gone.
Yes they have fucked up my save game so I have to start other D:
Some people is whining about this being a straight console port, dont know if im just less picky.. but it does not seem to bad to me.

But still I will give this a 8/10 and hopefully I can enjoy the proper version soon !
Not sure what people were expecting (other then a working release ha), but IMO its lots of fun :D

Messed up save games eh? Hmmm havet played it but one time, hope mine is ok since I slogged through it for 2 hours already haha. Fun stuff, open world games are always cool. Which character did you pick? I picked the Chinese receptionist.
Yep, I think actual it happens for everyone.. so I would wait a bit before playing again (or backup your savegames)

When I started I was at the lifeguard fort and every zombie was respawned, tried to load my latest check point and suddenly I was back to the start with the prologue D:

The Devs of DI-
We deeply regret that an incorrect version of Dead Island was inadvertently made available to players on Steam launch in North America.

We are very sorry for any issues you may have experienced while playing the game - the correct, patched version will be made available to North American players ASAP.

Other territories are not affected by this situation, the fully patched game will be available on Friday as announced.

I picked the throw expert guy :D
Ah, I went and bought a retail copy, my internet is only 100kbps and would take a while to DL the whole thing...so far no issues with saves.

It is very similar in style to Far Cry 2 imo. Also, the driving is horribly unintuitive and clunky.
Ah, I went and bought a retail copy, my internet is only 100kbps and would take a while to DL the whole thing...so far no issues with saves.

It is very similar in style to Far Cry 2 imo. Also, the driving is horribly unintuitive and clunky.

Ah then you should be in the safe :D

Ermz, this one time you should be glad you dident have access to it the same time as the US.. kinda feel bad for the devs for this shitstorm going on atm
Ah Germany and its harsh censorship. We're amazed it got through here. Left 4 Dead 2 got given an R-rating if I recall. No idea how Dead Island snuck through without issue. Apparently even the devs were surprised.

Anyway, quite familiar with games being massacred on release. I bought Storm of War/Cliffs of Dover on release, and that thing is still so incomplete that it's unplayable.
Haha if they made a version with completely nude people + zombies but no blood it would pass and only get a "12yr+" rating over here :lol:

edit: Left For Dead 1 and 2 were both rated 18+, which I find totally acceptable. I just don't get why the fuck they still censor games for adults, or even forbid them. It's funny because even violent movies are sometimes screened uncensored over here while in the US they get the shit censored out of them, but regarding games, Germany is just retarded and backwards. *sigh* But I remember we had that topic here before.