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Deus Ex: Human Revolution 9/10

Took me a while to get it, but I've been waiting for it for a long time now. The graphics are most definitely not the best at all, in fact they often feel like they're from a game released in 2008, but the story and gameplay (for me) are perfect. They are spectacularly well paced, a great mix of elements (not least of which is an RPG system that doesn't feel like it can be really 'abused' like in some games) and some truly fucking phenomenal design and style to it.

Best game I've played since MGS4.
Call of Duty: World at War 7/10. Not bad but not good as others. Sometimes the scenarios are very confusing, and most of the time we are being shot without know where it comes. Some parts become boring. Not very exciting at all.
Mass Effect: I bought this game 3 years ago on PC and played it once, like for an hour and uninstalled it right away, not my cup of tea at all, then today I was looking through my collection and I ended up picking it again.


So much depth in the universe construction from the creators it's so awesome, I played this 8 hours non-stop, without even checking up my e-mails or facebook messages because of how much I was sucked it. Proves that you can change tastes.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Great general idea that pulls you in strongly = 10/10
Poor execution = 5/10.
So average rating 7.5/10
Graphics look worse than in some 5 year old games, NPCs are ugly and totally not modern game quality, map and user interface design strange and it has some annoying bugs that make some missions unfinishable (cloak and daggers mcb hideout unreachable thug), red laser on your gun that is visible only to you and not to your enemies... unacceptable in a stealth based game (facepalm).
For now i uninstalled it and i am waiting for patches.
I love the game but i hate it too.

Playing Crysis 2 now
GFX 10/10 of course.
I'll give it an overall rating after few days.
Mass Effect: I bought this game 3 years ago on PC and played it once, like for an hour and uninstalled it right away, not my cup of tea at all, then today I was looking through my collection and I ended up picking it again.


So much depth in the universe construction from the creators it's so awesome, I played this 8 hours non-stop, without even checking up my e-mails or facebook messages because of how much I was sucked it. Proves that you can change tastes.

I tried to get into it recently and while I liked it a bit more than when I first played it still doesn't do anything for me. I can't really get dragged in the plot, there's way too much boring walking around, the battles seem kinda short and can't you skip through the dialogues when you die?
It's easy to take good screenshots, especially when they are using DX11 which has some great lighting, post processing .etc
It's just very sloppy, for example they have 3/4 different models of a "Gangster" npc, so you end up having like 20 guys and half of them are exactly the same.
And the models/art are pretty basic/low res.
The game is still enjoyable if your into that sort of thing, but it's pretty amateurish at points.
.. and can't you skip through the dialogues when you die?

Yes you just have to spam the spacebar, it cuts the dialogue, like in KOTOR.

Well, you need to be feeling a bit geek to play this game, the story is a lot of mumbling about 26389263 things that you don't know yet, but it gets sort out pretty quickly, it's a lot like star wars (in terms of world creations) the game looks pretty huge, I'm at my 3rd mission now, which isn't far I know, but I talked to every NPC and asked them about all I could do, did like 15 side-quest in the Citadel and stuff, so I'm really appreciating the game. so far it's a 9/10 due to lack of graphical options.

Oh hells yes. I don't know whether all this high fantasy power metal I've been working on lately is making me amenable to the style of game, but that above video is some of the most epic shit I've ever seen. Taking on a dragon, calling down a thunderstorm, fighting it through thunder and rain then axing the cunt in the face all before he bursts into flames and you absorb his soul. I foresee many days spent grinding this.
Damn right mate. That shit is day one for me, we should play in the same server/realm/wtvs, definitely has the opportunity to be a game changer in the world of MMORPGS
Cool, we should definitely do that! Not sure how exactly the whole server / realm thing will look in the end, I doubt it's like in WoW or some of the "classic" MMORPGs, at least I hope so because it sucks not being able to play on any server you like and switch between them with your character without losing items/xp etc. But yeah, I will pre-order the shit out of it when it's possible. Hopefully soon :D
Let's contact through Facebook when the game is out :headbang:

PS: I'm also wondering how long they will keep the different races / classes seperated because every race.. well every player basically is supposed to have his own intro, story and quests depending on the choices you make in the character creation etc. I guess it won't be more than an hour at max, but it could be impossible for a charr player to reach a sylvari in the first few hours of the game for example.
GW1 had me hooked for years. I'm afraid of what the second one would do to my social life, work, and relationship.
:lol: Same here. I have played GW1 excessively and own all addons, my account has about 700-800 hours of ingame time if I remember correctly (over a timespan of 5 years, mind you). If GW2 is anything like I picture it I'm seriously considering pausing audio-engineering school and just play for one semester so I won't get bad grades ;) Pretty sure that would be even worse for my social surroundings, though.