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My dad used to work for technicolor, some of the things they had to do for censorship in different regions was ridiculous from what he tells me.
Every country censors different things to different degrees, like in the US "ass" is treated like a swear, whereas over here it's just like saying butt.
Can't remember whether it was nudity or swearing (possibly both) that was edited to fuck for the US versions, but extreme levels of violence were tolerable for pretty much every age group.
Obviously there is still money to be made out of it, as to why they have to have the gap, it's just logistics as far as I know.
If the digital copies go on sale before the physical then they are going to lose money on the customers who would buy the physical but can't be bothered to wait.
Obviously there is still money to be made out of it, as to why they have to have the gap, it's just logistics as far as I know.
If the digital copies go on sale before the physical then they are going to lose money on the customers who would buy the physical but can't be bothered to wait.

I can't imagine they'd make much if any more money on a physical sale vs a digital sale, once all the production of DVDs, cases, manuals, etc. and the cut that the retailers take is taken into account. What do they have to lose if people buy it online instead of instore?
Also, broadband internet still isn't available to large parts of the population. Even in highly developed countries :S
DSL 768 here, and shit-tons of disconnects. Right next to a 1.35 million inhabtitants city (those fuckers have DSL 100000, though. wtf?)
I was downloading Dragon Age 1 (Ultimate Edition, though) for more than five days with Steam :D
Exactly /\
They probably make about the same % per game (I'm assuming that's how steam works anyway), and the digital market is still not completely dominant.
So there are still healthy numbers of people buying physical copies afaik.

This game looked promising but not anymore...

Judging a game based on the dev/notFinal version is kinda harsh ha.
I mean sure those videos are funny but they have already fixed the noclip "feature" adn the game is not intended/meant to be played as a third person game hence why the animations is all funky.
They are working on getting the correct version up on the US steam now (the release people get on firday should be the correct final one)
Just played the (incredibly short) Hard Reset demo on steam, pretty meh to be honest.
It definitely felt old-school, which is what it's main selling point is I think.
Felt a little bit like painkiller.
Looks pretty good on ultra, not as good as BF:BC2 or Crysis, but quite dodgy FPS.
I think I'm getting hooked on World of Tanks. It's really really good for a free game and pretty fun once you figure things out.

Lol, Phil LaMarr does the rapper's voice, you might know him as Hermes on Futurama.

Anyway they put another patch out for DI today, can't find a list of fixes anywhere but unless my eyes deceive me the depth of field blurring is different.
At first it felt like a slow clumsy Counter-Strike with tanks but once you get used to the game mechanics and get some upgrades or a new tank it gets a lot better. It's nice that you have crew experience in addition to tank upgrades. It's also a bit more tactical than similar shooters due to the physical restrictions of tanks, i.e. how much you can turn the turret up/down/left/right and how long it takes for it to aim where you want.
ANy of you guys in the diablo 3 beta ?
Have been watching some live streams of people playing and man I cant wait for this game D:

Most likely gonna take a week off from work to play it !
ANy of you guys in the diablo 3 beta ?
Have been watching some live streams of people playing and man I cant wait for this game D:

Most likely gonna take a week off from work to play it !

Currently it's just 'friends and family' of blizzard employees but the closed beta should start for everyone else soon.