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________RUN WHILE YOU CAN!!!


i'll give you a cookie if you can guess which game it is i've been playing. ;)

:D On that note, I finally played Human Revolution recently, and I'd say 8/10, though that's only judging it strictly on its own merits, and speaking mostly of gameplay/level design, which were very impressive, I can't deny. However, the story I found a massive disappointment; nowhere near the depth of DE or even Invisible War (people love to hate on IW, but I thought the story and characters were really interesting, and nothing in HR comes close to the intrigue and depth of the conversations with JC Denton in his Arctic base, for example)

I just found HR to have very few surprises; the whole Hugh Darrow twist hardly mattered to me cuz we barely ever saw the guy before, and pretty much nothing was developed with the whole illuminati bit, just that Chinese CEO who I found totally unengaging, just basically the evil CEO of Evil Co. I guess it especially bummed me because they nailed the atmosphere of the first game: huge, varied hub cities (though I would've liked one more), all sorts of emails and newspaper articles to read that had interesting ancillary info (especially in the police station, for example), but it just all went nowhere IMO. Oh well, still better than I expected!
:D On that note, I finally played Human Revolution recently, and I'd say 8/10, though that's only judging it strictly on its own merits, and speaking mostly of gameplay/level design, which were very impressive, I can't deny. However, the story I found a massive disappointment; nowhere near the depth of DE or even Invisible War (people love to hate on IW, but I thought the story and characters were really interesting, and nothing in HR comes close to the intrigue and depth of the conversations with JC Denton in his Arctic base, for example)

I just found HR to have very few surprises; the whole Hugh Darrow twist hardly mattered to me cuz we barely ever saw the guy before, and pretty much nothing was developed with the whole illuminati bit, just that Chinese CEO who I found totally unengaging, just basically the evil CEO of Evil Co. I guess it especially bummed me because they nailed the atmosphere of the first game: huge, varied hub cities (though I would've liked one more), all sorts of emails and newspaper articles to read that had interesting ancillary info (especially in the police station, for example), but it just all went nowhere IMO. Oh well, still better than I expected!

honestly, you're right about the story. it's kind of underwhelming. i think they did something right about the atmosphere though, i've already finished that game for 2 times and been thinking about beating it again.

i think i'll try beating it without killing anyone. (bosses don't count for the achievement)
You made me want to reinstall DEHR and play it again with ENB path, this time go all stealth and no killing...

btw DEHR soundtrack = 11/10

do it, it's so much more rewarding than blasting yourself through the game.

the soundtrack is pretty good, but after listening to it a bit more i've come to the conclusion that it's pretty generic and bland. production is amazing though. the main theme is great.
I own the soundtrack and was listening to it tonight on the way home from a show actually. My favorite is The Hive theme.

I've beat it twice, will probably have a third go asap.

Anybody here played the Alan Wake games? I recently got American Nightmare, that was short but loads of fun.
Civilization V.

I'm addicted.

Oh yes! Long time Civ fanatic here, only bummer is that the game only runs in my girlfriends macbook so.. Well the game's that good so I can take a bit of nagging. :)

Also played the Civ 3 the other night after a long time. "I'll just play a quick game" I thought and suddenly realized that the sun's coming up.. Indeed damn addictive.
Kingdoms of Amalur: The Reckoning. 8/10.

Massive game, but many of the quests are made redundant due to the exp scaling, much like a single-player MMORPG. The scope they went for is great, but I found the settings and story way too textbook fantasy in order to be at all enthralling. Their 'destiny' system is basically just a new take on old ideas to blend different skill trees for a more unique character build.
Saints row 3 - 9/10 Visually it´s fucking great and fun as SR2 but it´s too short. I reached the end with just 5 hours of playing.
Batman Arkham City: 9.5/10.
Really really good. I haven't played Arkham Aslyum so I don't know how it compares or how the story carries on, but just by itself it was pretty fucking fantastic. A few control issues, a few FPS issues, and some other irritants but overall pretty fantastic.

btw DEHR soundtrack = 11/10

Agreed, fantastic soundtrack.
Dragon's Dogma: 10/10

Yes, it has faults and you could subtract points for them but I had so much fun with this game...Far superior combat to Skyrim for me.

Also get bonus points for the hilariously cheezy intro song :D
I'm about to start the other one. Haven't played AN but from what I've read it's a bit different from the original.

Yeah the original is way more serious. AN is framed in a sort of 50's Twilight Zone style but still really dark, just has a bit of camp thrown into it. You'll love it, the story is great just like the first Max Payne.
Oh yes! Long time Civ fanatic here, only bummer is that the game only runs in my girlfriends macbook so.. Well the game's that good so I can take a bit of nagging. :)

Also played the Civ 3 the other night after a long time. "I'll just play a quick game" I thought and suddenly realized that the sun's coming up.. Indeed damn addictive.

Hahah have you picked up the Gods & Kings expansion yet? Makes it even more addicting.
the soundtrack is pretty good, but after listening to it a bit more i've come to the conclusion that it's pretty generic and bland. production is amazing though. the main theme is great.

Agreed, the themes were much better and more memorable in the original IMO (despite the somewhat cheesy synth sounds) - my personal favorites:

And of course

(loved how they had the hint of that theme in the prologue to HR, and then occasionally playing through the radios scattered throughout)
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Hahah have you picked up the Gods & Kings expansion yet? Makes it even more addicting.

No I haven't, will surely do! Looks great, lot of cool new features. I'll tell my girlfriend that it's your fault when she gets less attention.. :D

Had annoying bug yesterday though, couldn't declare war after making peace treaty with other civ even though 10 turns had passed. Luckily found a way to fix it tampering the code a bit.
Agreed, the themes were much better and more memorable in the original IMO (despite the somewhat cheesy synth sounds) - my personal favorites:



And of course


(loved how they had the hint of that theme in the prologue to HR, and then occasionally playing through the radios scattered throughout)

yes i loved the soundtrack of the original too. i think it worked so well because it wasn't conventional soundtrack music like everything is these days. the music wasn't always just supporting what happened in the game, instead it actually seemed more like the opposite at times.

think the missile silo map, it's got at times an almost positive sounding jam as its music but it works. it's something that i'd find risky if i was ever to compose a soundtrack for a game, and that's exactly why i think most composers for modern games could learn something from it.