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Just returned from Cologne GamesCom, I'll post some pics later ;)
Met Mr Chris Hulsbeck (music composer for a shitload of amiga games) watched some trailers, seen a shitload of bitchy cosplay girls (the more they were young the more they were bitches) played some shit.
Anyway I never wait in line to test games that were accessible just inside the closed booths, it took too much, there were 180 mins minimum waits!!!!
I could have wait at least for dishonored, the closed booths were flooded with games like Black Ops II or Medal of Honor... not my thing, I like stories, not multiplayer games with a tiny singleplayer campaign.
A huge amount of chicks!! ;)
Arkham city 8/10,such a fun game. Bought it pre-owned so I missed out on the catwoman dlc.still class though.

The catwoman dlc was fun but it's not neccessarily something i would say is a must get. Almost felt like it was done halfway and then they decited to add it as an extra. I got it for free so i can't complain though.

Great game nevertheless. 9/10
Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet - 8.2

Starts boring-ish, but picks up later. Not too long (good thing), a bit too easy (not so good thing).

And the epic trailer:

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Payday: The Heist 7/10
Way better than I expected, tried the free weekend on steam and had to get it at 75% off.

Ravaged (demo) 3/10
you gotta be fucking kidding me. I mean, it works, but no.

Counter Strike: Global Offensive 6/10
Pretty much an updated CS. I'm not really a big fan of CS, but if you are, you'll prob like it.

Saint's Row: The Third 7/10
Like GTA, but fun. Didn't really feel like continuing to play it after the main missions though...

FEAR 2 6/10

FEAR 3 6/10
A little different from the other FEAR games, some things i like, some i don't.

Binary Domain 7/10
Simple game, but lots of fun and totally surprised me. No desire to immediately replay it. Would have liked to see more in depth story, as there are some really cool things.

Black Mesa GOOD
Updated version of Half-Life, it's pretty good!
NHL 13 - what tweaks they made to the previous iterations seem to be outdone by all the obnoxious bullshit as well. Computer gets away with murder and is way too good [and I dont suck, been playing this series for ages]. Pretty cheesy, but fun to play with friends online. ehhhh 7/10.