Rate Last Videogame you played , write a one sentence review.

Some goodies in here: http://store.steampowered.com/sale/halloweensale_2012

Definitely get Limbo and Amnesia if you've never tried 'em.

What is so great about amnesia? It has good reviews and all so I started playing it last week along with silent hill homecoming, amnesia is very boring and it's not scary at all, I got stuck in the part when you combine four chemicals and there's a bug that won't let me continue the game and I have to restart. Should I keep playing/does it gets better? Silent Hill 5 is not bad, I haven't finished it yet it's a little bit scarier but it's kinda boring too.

I don't know what was the last game I've finished probably last year maybe battlefield 3 for pc, kirby return to dreamland or zelda skyward sword for wii, anywas:

Battlefield 3: 7/10. 7 is good to me, amazing graphics and sound quality/acting. Kinda interesting plot, and the gameplay was ok.

Kirby Return To Dreamland: 9/10. Ultra fun gameplay, pretty cool graphics and art, awesome music, not too many new things for gaming but still a great piece of game. Fun is what really matters at the end.

Zelda Skyward Sword: 8/10. Cheesy story again, it's okay, graphics are cool and original, kinda the same 3d zelda game experience as always except for way the controls work finally it's something new, and what I loved most was the level design it's unbelievable well done full of great art that submerged me into that world. This game wasn't disappointing as I thought when I first saw it, too bad the soundtrack is short. I had a lot of fun playing this game.
I thought the same thing about Amensia in the beginning, but eventually I was hooked. It gets much better as you get further into it.

Also, this:

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Just finished Ico (reissue in HD) available on the PS3 store with Shadow of the Colossus.

ICO - 9.999/10 to anyone with a minimum sense of poetry and sensitivity, just play this game because this is one of the best video-ludic experiences of my entire existence. I honestly can't see how one couldn't enjoy this game and be moved by its ending unless he has no heart.

Now I'm gonna play Shadow of the Colossus.. And I can't wait for The Last Guardian to be released.
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Just finished Ico (reissue in HD) available on the PS3 store with Shadow of the Colossus.

ICO - 9.999/10 to anyone with a minimum sense of poetry and sensitivity, just play this game because this is one of the best video-ludic experiences of my entire existence. I honestly can't see how one couldn't enjoy this game and be moved by its ending unless he has no heart.


Now I'm gonna play Shadow of the Colossus.. And I can't wait for The Last Guardian to be released.

Ico and Shadow of the Colossus are brilliant. I'll probably buy a PS3 just to play The Last Guardian if it ever manages to come out. If you consider yourself a fan of art in any form, you should be able to find something to appreciate in these games, IMO.
Outland-9/10 Awesome platformer.

A bit OT, but has anyone watched Indie Game: The Movie? Really good documentary with the creators of Braid, Fez, and Super Meat Boy.
Outland-9/10 Awesome platformer.

A bit OT, but has anyone watched Indie Game: The Movie? Really good documentary with the creators of Braid, Fez, and Super Meat Boy.

I watched it a few weeks ago. Fairly interesting. I found it surprising how blunt they were about being miserable.

Ah, the life of a programmer...

Brought real survival horror back into my life.
Black Ops 2.


Improves upon the absolute dogshit debacle that was MW3 yet is an absolutely horrific nightmare of lagging and FREEZING while attempting multiplayer. Its so crippling its not even fun to slog through the fucking lagfest.
Spec Ops The Line (PC)

got it on steam for 10€.

what a great game, absolutely fantastic storyline, a psychological trip, the setting is absolutely uniwue like nothing i know from this genre.
the gameplay is kind of this typical "get from coverage to coverage and mow enemies down" but it's packed in story so well!
absolutely underestimated and intense game!


ETIT: oh before i forget, it has am absolutely cool soundtrack, alice in chains, deep purple, mogwai, jimi hendrix etc.
Black Ops 2.


Improves upon the absolute dogshit debacle that was MW3 yet is an absolutely horrific nightmare of lagging and FREEZING while attempting multiplayer. Its so crippling its not even fun to slog through the fucking lagfest.

Really? I got the Hardened Edition for PS3 from Activision for review, and the online has worked fine for me, only minimal lag in one match. Then again it just came a few days ago, so maybe the patches and such helped things out.
Black Ops II

pretty intense, much better than MW3, interesting story and
very unique battlefileds/levels, much much better than i've expected!
^ I do play Black Ops 2, I like it but to me the campain and storyline are the most boring ever, I don't like those battlefields in the past that make me feel like I'm playing an old game ! I really enjoyed MW3's campain but this one bores me and every time you load a save you cannot pass a sequence even if you already watched it, even if its long, it's so frustrating ! I was hooked by mw3's one because it was over the top in a funny way, but this one just bores me, i havent finished it yet. Animations are ridiculously badly made in BO2 too, developers from MW must be laughing ! It's almost awkward at times, you can see it in multi as well when you send a scorestreak, they just didn't care about the animations.

I don't really mind though since the game is all about online play, which is fun. I find the game well balanced but I'm not too sure it's really how I want it. Now there is some kind of matchmaking taking place even in normal games, I think I read they want to remove it, because its just frustrating to never feel you're getting better, I think it was funnier when a game could be absolutely random and you could play against people from any level anytime. If they want noobs to play against noobs so that they don't feel raped I understand it but there should be a minimum level to reach, over which the matchmaking wouldnt take place anymore. Now when you get better you play against better players, which is fair but should be reserved to the league play IMO.

PS3 servers are horrible btw, it's lag-land, so anyone with the possibility should buy it on Xbox.

Zombie mode is awesome, I don't see anything bad to say about it. The tranzit mode is so fun, the map is huge and it's really fun to play with friends on this one.