Mafia II: 8/10 Cool story, setting, characters. Really enjoyed the game, the story is a lot deeper than e.g. in GTA, but you have less freedom or more precisely there isn't really much to do besides the quests (finding Playboy magazines with the pictures of playmates from the 50s-60s throughout the game is fun though haha). Way too short though, took me 12 hours.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution - 10/10 What an amazing game. One of the best RPGs I have played story-wise, the setting is very interesting: rich transhumanists vs. poor and "pure" humans, who can't afford to be augmented, major enterprises dictating world politics, extremist groups rebelling, democratic states turning into police-states etc.. and I like how I was able to basically kill only a handful of people through the whole game because I sneaked and used a stun-gun and tazer instead of lethal force (mostly). Perhaps a glimpse of how the future will look like?
Max Payne 3: 8/10. Phew.. I had low expectations because it looked dumbed down and I didn't like the "new" Payne, etc. But the story was captivating and Mr.Payne depressed, fucked-up and self-pitying as ever

Always loved his monologues and thank god they were still there. Despite playing in Sao Paolo most of the time, a "game noir" just like part 1 and 2. A lot more brutal though.. sometimes unnecessarily for my taste. As always, WAY too short.
Alan Wake - Can't rate it yet because I'm in the middle of playing it. I am scared shitless and feel uncomfortable and don't want to continue playing so I guess it fulfills its goal