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Mafia II: 8/10 Cool story, setting, characters. Really enjoyed the game, the story is a lot deeper than e.g. in GTA, but you have less freedom or more precisely there isn't really much to do besides the quests (finding Playboy magazines with the pictures of playmates from the 50s-60s throughout the game is fun though haha). Way too short though, took me 12 hours.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution - 10/10 What an amazing game. One of the best RPGs I have played story-wise, the setting is very interesting: rich transhumanists vs. poor and "pure" humans, who can't afford to be augmented, major enterprises dictating world politics, extremist groups rebelling, democratic states turning into police-states etc.. and I like how I was able to basically kill only a handful of people through the whole game because I sneaked and used a stun-gun and tazer instead of lethal force (mostly). Perhaps a glimpse of how the future will look like? ;)

Max Payne 3: 8/10. Phew.. I had low expectations because it looked dumbed down and I didn't like the "new" Payne, etc. But the story was captivating and Mr.Payne depressed, fucked-up and self-pitying as ever :lol: Always loved his monologues and thank god they were still there. Despite playing in Sao Paolo most of the time, a "game noir" just like part 1 and 2. A lot more brutal though.. sometimes unnecessarily for my taste. As always, WAY too short.

Alan Wake - Can't rate it yet because I'm in the middle of playing it. I am scared shitless and feel uncomfortable and don't want to continue playing so I guess it fulfills its goal :( :D
Alan Wake - Can't rate it yet because I'm in the middle of playing it. I am scared shitless and feel uncomfortable and don't want to continue playing so I guess it fulfills its goal :( :D

Love that game. You should check out Alan Wake's American Nightmare after you finish it. It's the not-sequel sequel I guess. :lol:
Far Cry III - 7/10 - game starts off really promisingly - voice acting/facial animation is great, final third of the story is badly paced and the ending(s) are terrible. Lot of good fun sandboxing though.
Dishonored - 6/10 - played on normal - completed the game in six hours, flipped up to hard - ghosted the game in 4; story is forgettable/been done a million times before, its not that challenging and too short but the design is really well done.
Skyrim - 5/10 - picked this up again, bleh, still think a lot of it is really wooden and the dumbed down console nature of it gives me the boke, Morrowind is still the best RPG Bethesda ever released.
Yep I played through AC1,Ac2, Brotherhood and some of Revelations, AC1 is absolutely the worst and most boring.

Just read a little through this thread and I gotta say this is the stupidest video game related thing I've read in my life.

AC 1 completely shits over every other AC game, seriously the rest are a joke in comparison, AC3 is definitely better than the others though, it seems the "ezio" (however the fuck you spell it) trilogy is just the same over again.
^ Ac1 it´s the most boring shit a ever played. It´s all the time the same shit. Ac2 to my suprise had a story and it´s millions times better, in all, graphics, weapons, fights. Ac1 it´s not even in the same level. But ok, everybody has the right to have his own opinion.
Lol yeah AC1 was a big pile of shit gameplay-wise. All you ever did was kill random guys again and again and again and then ride to the next city and kill guys again, etc. I loved the idea of the game, and the story bits were great, but it was the most repetitive game I have ever played (and I played hundreds) :lol: I had to force myself through because I lost interest about half way in, and that rarely happens with me. Thankfully though, they made the game a lot more populated and "living" in the later games, got rid of the areas with nothing but a tower with a single guard within a 100 km circle, made the missions a lot more versatile, etc.

Haven't played AC III yet, because I'll wait until I get it for 15-20€ on Steam, but it looks killer from what I've seen.
Max, man up and play alan wake, one of the best games I've ever played. It feels very Stephen Kingish, one of the very veru RARE games where I've felt super drawn into the atmosphere
What? I've played probably 50 rounds on and off for the last month, only had one match with a shitty host that lagged.

It was definitely worse in the first weeks but it's still common to be knifed while on your screen you shot the guy with a few rounds. Or that he kills you, and his killcam you realize what he saw was you running in the room shooting at the place he was before. A lot of hardcore gamers on youtube talk about this on every other video ! And still sometimes you would be disconnected for no reason. Or inviting friends to create your group can be annoying cause when someone disconnects he cannot come back to the game, etc etc. And apparently Xbox 360 is relatively better on that matter. Pro teams play on the Xbox version for that reason

EDIT : I still experience this every other game (the ending, not the good playing :D) :

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Having a hard time finding something as captivating as Portal 1&2 here. I'm open to suggestions...

I also miss a good survival horror game ala Silent Hill. Dead space 2 was ok but the ending was meh.
It was definitely worse in the first weeks but it's still common to be knifed while on your screen you shot the guy with a few rounds. Or that he kills you, and his killcam you realize what he saw was you running in the room shooting at the place he was before. A lot of hardcore gamers on youtube talk about this on every other video ! And still sometimes you would be disconnected for no reason. Or inviting friends to create your group can be annoying cause when someone disconnects he cannot come back to the game, etc etc. And apparently Xbox 360 is relatively better on that matter. Pro teams play on the Xbox version for that reason

EDIT : I still experience this every other game (the ending, not the good playing :D) :


Yeah Ive basically given up playing it. I just continually lag despite putting it on "best connection" in games to search... and I dont lag on any of my other games.

CoD games have kind of always fucked me in this manner, but this is easily the worst of them all by far when it comes to that. Not sure why. Several of my friends have the same issue, and then several never have any issue whatsoever. The last few patches do nothing, either.


Borderlands 2 - 9/10. Pretty awesome. CAN get repetitive but if you've got a few friends to play with you can run around looting everything going nuts. Cool game.

NBA 2k13 - 9.5/10. Amazing. Easily one of the best sports titles Ive ever played. Presentation, gameplay, visuals, everything.

Need For Speed Hot Pursuit [the new Criterion one] - 8/10. Fun game. Nothing amazing but just a fun game to turn on and drive around hitting ridiculous jumps and crazy shit like that.
Öwen;10505019 said:
Far Cry III - 7/10 - game starts off really promisingly - voice acting/facial animation is great, final third of the story is badly paced and the ending(s) are terrible. Lot of good fun sandboxing though.
Dishonored - 6/10 - played on normal - completed the game in six hours, flipped up to hard - ghosted the game in 4; story is forgettable/been done a million times before, its not that challenging and too short but the design is really well done.
Skyrim - 5/10 - picked this up again, bleh, still think a lot of it is really wooden and the dumbed down console nature of it gives me the boke, Morrowind is still the best RPG Bethesda ever released.

jesus, you are a harsh critic. I loved all those games.
Yeah I also have American Nightmare on Steam, got both for a ridiculous price during a Steam sale. Good to hear it's equally interesting.

It plays kind of like a Twilight Zone episode, sort of campy but still awesome and scary.
Got a ps3 for Xmas and downloaded ff7 off the classics section. This game 15 years old and still incredible. The score has to be the best video game score of the 90's!