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It seems I´m gonna have to pick Crysis 2. On a sidenote, I loved how they have integrated the HUD in a Dead Space fashion.
Played through GTA IV yesterday, holy shit what an amazing game. I nearly threw the computer out of the window because of some stupid bugs during missions, though..
Had to do the last mission 4 times because it was so buggy.. one time the helicopter got shot before I could even do anything, another time I got shot by the RPG exactly in the second after a cutscene etc.
But it's a really cool game nevertheless. I just wish they would port it better for PC, it took them 2 years and it's still buggy after a shitload of patches. And the FPS rate is sometimes really going down, even on my mac pro (intel xeon @ 4x 2.8 ghz, ati 5770 /w 1 GB ram should be enough to play on 1920x1080 with all settings on high)

GTA IV: 8/10

Currently downloading both of the addons with Steam, I'm pretty excited :)
Also, I failed to buy Arcania (Gothic 4) on Steam for 13€, now it's back to the full price again. Damnit. I know it's not a great game but I loved G I,II and III so I have to play it.
I'm not a PC-elitist, but i am going to go as far as to claim that all first person shooters should be made for PC and then get ported to other platforms.
There is no doubt that the good old keyboard/mouse-setup is FAR superior over gamepads for FPS games.

I enjoy playing my games laying on my sofa stoned/drunk as hell watching my 40" Full HD TV instead of sitting behind my desk like a office rat.. i can sacrifice some graphics detail and resolution for not having to sit in this fucking chair I do all my work and studies on... and not having to install and customize and optimize all the shit.. IMO If you're not into competative internet play like CS, Starcraft etc, or classic adventure/rpg, stay away from pc for your life.. Pc's are for work, play some Halo Reach on Xbox 360 instead :D
I enjoy playing my games laying on my sofa stoned/drunk as hell watching my 40" Full HD TV instead of sitting behind my desk like a office rat.. i can sacrifice some graphics detail and resolution for not having to sit in this fucking chair I do all my work and studies on... and not having to install and customize and optimize all the shit.. IMO If you're not into competative internet play like CS, Starcraft etc, or classic adventure/rpg, stay away from pc for your life.. Pc's are for work, play some Halo Reach on Xbox 360 instead :D

THANK YOU, this was the exact decision I made like 10 years ago (after years of being a PC gaming nut) - and don't forget about the ludicrous amount of cash required to build (and upgrade) a monster machine
THANK YOU, this was the exact decision I made like 10 years ago (after years of being a PC gaming nut) - and don't forget about the ludicrous amount of cash required to build (and upgrade) a monster machine

For me the PC pros far outweigh the cons. I love first person shooters and i love WASD+Mouse. I also like having a smaller about 20" display, so i don't have to turn my entire head to see everything. I play with headphones, it's immersive as fuck. I am 1000x more comfortable sitting here than I am sitting across the room on a couch looking at a 52" tv that can't be turned up loud. I like being close the the screen seeing every little detail so i can tell that's just aliasing and not an opponents head sticking out.

Probably the number one reason I will never buy a console again is the fact that I can still play DOOM, FALLOUT 2, and other oldass games on my pc. I love going back and playing a game again with a much better system, this is impossible with consoles. Why spend money on a game that is tied to a specific piece of hardware, that's retarded. Due to Steam, I can play my games on any pc that will run them without having to do anything but login and download them.

The community around PC games is also infinitely better with user created content. For example, Fallout 2 was released in 1998. It is one of the best games ever and it is still being expanded and enhanced by fans.

I believe the initial investment for a PC is worth it, you just upgrade parts and you can keep playing your same library of games for years and years to come.

jizz everywhere, game is so fucking sick too. the inclusion of the slide was a stroke of genius. seriously, i sort of really want to nitpick and bitch about the lack of graphics options and how crytek are SELLIN OUT TO THE CONSOLES (which they are, pc version is a straight up console port, just a really good one) but I'm having far too much fun in the game.
slidin under a truck, un-cloakin as you pop out and shoot a dude in the face \m/
Played through GTA IV yesterday, holy shit what an amazing game. I nearly threw the computer out of the window because of some stupid bugs during missions, though..
Had to do the last mission 4 times because it was so buggy.. one time the helicopter got shot before I could even do anything, another time I got shot by the RPG exactly in the second after a cutscene etc.
But it's a really cool game nevertheless. I just wish they would port it better for PC, it took them 2 years and it's still buggy after a shitload of patches. And the FPS rate is sometimes really going down, even on my mac pro (intel xeon @ 4x 2.8 ghz, ati 5770 /w 1 GB ram should be enough to play on 1920x1080 with all settings on high)
GTA IV: 8/10

Got it friday, It's fun...I found myself playing pool all day heh. I can't stand the windows live requirement, dont play multiplayer so I dont see why it was needed. Jason Sudeikis/Bill Hader are fucking hilarious as the liberal and conservative talk show hosts, best part for me so far.
Here's a couple screens from me , not at highest res and medium settings , ordered some more ram so I can run this game at max with no slowdown...



I enjoy playing my games laying on my sofa stoned/drunk as hell watching my 40" Full HD TV instead of sitting behind my desk like a office rat.. i can sacrifice some graphics detail and resolution for not having to sit in this fucking chair I do all my work and studies on... and not having to install and customize and optimize all the shit.. IMO If you're not into competative internet play like CS, Starcraft etc, or classic adventure/rpg, stay away from pc for your life.. Pc's are for work, play some Halo Reach on Xbox 360 instead :D

Well, as i've said in this thread before, i used to be a semi-pro gamer. ;)
To me playing fps games on console instead of pc is equal to playing on a ukulele instead of a guitar. ;)
To any guys playing Crysis 2 on PC:
You should all get this http://forums.steamgames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1807934

Not only does it give you the ability to change your graphics settings in more detail, but you can change the Field of View (which is very, very tight and closed in originally.)
I have the FOV set to 90 and the sprinting FOV set to 87 just to add that little bit more focus in when you're making a dash for something and the game feels far more wide open from that alone.
+1 for Crysis 2, that game is all kinds of awesome. Definitely one of the better games I've played in the past two years.
With the Advanced Graphics Options thing I linked above, I get 50-70fps on Extreme settings at 1080p whereas without it, it was far more sluggish.

I'd recommend it to EVERYONE who is playing this game on PC!
Funny how crysis 2 how is getting all this rave here.
Always thought of crysis as the "crabcore" band of games.. very average gameplay warped in beautiful graphics and eye candy.

Is crysis 2 really that much better gameplay wise ?
That looks great, but I'm afraid like the first, the gameplay will be average and the story will suck. But I'll still play it. I heard it's nowhere near as taxing as the first or Metro 2033. In general, the Russians & Ukrainians have that story/presentation shit down. Massive atmosphere in their games unlike the western stuff of recent years. I still need to finish Metro though.

Played Supreme Commander 2 for a few hours yesterday, about to uninstall.