Ratemymetalchick.com \m/

JayKeeley said:
Happy Birthday!! You should have told us...we would have done....nothing really. I guess we could have posted pictures of naked women.

JayKeeley said:
Happy Birthday!! You should have told us...we would have done....nothing really. I guess we could have posted pictures of naked women.
LOL. Thanks. Believe it or not, my birthday is actually 12/25. So, I get screwed for my B-Day every year (and not in the good way).

I knew someone once who had a birthday on 12/25 and he just got DOUBLE presents. But yeah, no actual birthday party or anything since everyone was too busy staring at a tree or eating poultry.
General Zod said:
I'll have to check that out when I get home. Thanks.

Don't get your hopes up for anything exciting, it's only a 3 second sample. :loco: Growing up I had a friend whose birthday was right around Christmas, to offset that his family would celebrate his birthday during the summer. Always thought that was a good idea.

Oh, and the last girl that sucked my dick had Christmas for her birthday, Happy Schlongidays! :Spin:
I really like the lead singer of The Donnas (right side) .. saw these birds 3 times in concert also. Cool band ...

lurch70 said:
I really like the lead singer of The Donnas (right side) ..
Hang on....our "right" or their "right"? If it's their right side, then yeah I'd agree with you 'cos you know, thin chicks > fat lardy chicks.

@Zod - you gotta love that airbrushing, although the mammaries are a sight to behold either way. Finally, a Paul Reed Smith put to good use. :cool:
Aye. Larry LaLonde plays them so I like them for that much. He also plays beat to shit Strats, and CO-INVENTED FUCKING DEATH METAL, so he can play what he wants. :loco:

Alembic is the PRS of the bass world, fuck those things. Sure do have purdy mouths tho...
JayKeeley said:
Hang on....our "right" or their "right"? If it's their right side, then yeah I'd agree with you 'cos you know, thin chicks > fat lardy chicks.

@Zod - you gotta love that airbrushing, although the mammaries are a sight to behold either way. Finally, a Paul Reed Smith put to good use. :cool:
i like a little meat on my babes, besides she droped a few tons since that pic ...
Ive noticed Mr Keeley resembles his countryman Benny Hill in female preferance.

Those Donna girls are all below average--Im sorry, but shit, they are not at all attractive physically.