Ratemymetalchick.com \m/

I could never go to one of those nude sushi bars, I'd get kicked out so fucking fast. Plus the concept of eating raw fish off a naked woman is just... yeah. :loco:
Nude Sushi Bars wtf? That has to break every health code violation in the book!

And yea, the donnas are all uglier than a himalayan bobcat. Sadly, their looks are better than their music.

Sadly again...
Yep, you have to sign up. It takes a second. But it's really not worth it. All the good pics have already been posted. And the rating system is uber crappy. (You'll wind up rating the same person 5 times before you see a new picture)
There are barely any metal chicks on that site. I have metal chick friends who are 28934732 times more metal then those broads.

case in point:



Fukk yea.

K this one rules I think:


Or is a total poser who got into metal because her boyfriend, which most likely is the case.
That's it. I'm now 100% convinced that the majority of you guys have really bad taste, especially in women. Jesus christ almighty
Erik said:







jesus fucking christ youd think you would have figured that out in 79 posts but no

Works fine on my end. So no, 79 posts of people replying in a manner indicating that the picture links do work, would not lead me to believe that they are not working for YOU. But all of this is moot.

This is what I see on my end. What a Goddess.!!!.&$#!
