Reaper Slip Editing Tutorial

the last time i tried folders, everything would get muted (or...IIRC, not even muted, just half muted) whenever i collapsed one. it was confusing the fack outta me. did i miss something?

This also happens to me and I dont know whats going on, really wish I could get it work as I use the sends to a bus method, but as you had said, would love to to do the hole "Or if you are high passing all your rhythm guitars, apply the high pass to the Rhythm Guitar folder track and it'll cut all the bottom end out of all the guitar tracks at once."

Maybe you should make that video haha!

Never mind...Im an idiot I forgot that Id figured this issue out. The problem was I was not inserting another track (Master) above the tracks I wanted to group together, put in folders. I was choosing the first ie guitar,drum,vocal,etc track in the group which was causing this issue...correct me if Im wrong though?

darthjujuu...try this, Im sure this is the issue, or maybe not???
Very cool Adam. I tried it out with your 200 bpm tracks you posted today.
Moving a fade is kinda weird, you have to move each edge at a time right?
How come a bunch of editing functions don't follow gouping?
Even selecting holding shift is weird!?

I messed up my mousewheel config, no longer zooms, any idea?

Is there a way to have the grid lines darker on beat 1?
Is there a way to indicate 1/2/, 1/4 notes at lower zoom settings? I only see them when zoomed to 2 bars, seeing them at 4 or 8 would be much better.

Can holding alt be switched to caps lock?
Very cool Adam. I tried it out with your 200 bpm tracks you posted today.
Moving a fade is kinda weird, you have to move each edge at a time right?
How come a bunch of editing functions don't follow gouping?
Even selecting holding shift is weird!?

I messed up my mousewheel config, no longer zooms, any idea?

Is there a way to have the grid lines darker on beat 1?
Is there a way to indicate 1/2/, 1/4 notes at lower zoom settings? I only see them when zoomed to 2 bars, seeing them at 4 or 8 would be much better.

Can holding alt be switched to caps lock?

if i put my mouse in the center of the fade, then click shift, the whole fade moves together.
Very cool Adam. I tried it out with your 200 bpm tracks you posted today.
Moving a fade is kinda weird, you have to move each edge at a time right?

Nope, just hold shift, make sure auto-crossfades are turned on and click and drag the fade, you can see me do it in the video a couple times.

How come a bunch of editing functions don't follow gouping?
Even selecting holding shift is weird!?

Can you explain this better? What functions don't follow grouping? The only functions I am using for editing are split and slip and they seem to work fine? Shift selecting select contiguous regions, command/ctrl select should select non-contiguous regions.

I messed up my mousewheel config, no longer zooms, any idea?

Go "Actions>Show Action List" and type in the filter "View Zoom" and you will see all the different zoom features. Click one of them and where it says "Shortcuts for selected actions:" click add and you can add a macro. There is a zoom horizontal and a zoom vertical that are "Midi CC relative/mousewheel". If you try to add a macro for those, you can just hold a modifier and move the mousewheel to set that mousewheel movement to your zoom.

Is there a way to have the grid lines darker on beat 1?

Open your Preferences, go to Appearance>Theme and scroll down until you find "Grid Lines (start of measure)", "Grid Lines (start of beat)" and "Grid Lines (in between beats)". By default they already go from dark to light, but the difference is subtle, so here you can make the difference more obvious.

Is there a way to indicate 1/2/, 1/4 notes at lower zoom settings? I only see them when zoomed to 2 bars, seeing them at 4 or 8 would be much better.

You mean the actual grid line labels at the top of the time line that say like "192.1.00, 191.1.25, 191.1.50" etc? Honestly I've never really paid much attention to them aside from the measure starting ones (the "00"s)... I just checked and it doesn't look like you can force them to be visible at lower zoom settings, but if you make the beat lines darker and can at least see the labelled beginnings of measures that should help.

Can holding alt be switched to caps lock?

I don't think so, you can't change the mouse modifiers yet (so slip is stuck on alt+click no matter what) and I can't figure out a way to use Caps Lock in a macro either. Would be nice if you could bind down the alt key and not have to hold it. I feel like a third party app can probably do this for you?
Adam, perhaps you could share the macro tips you recently picked up over on the Reaper forums for those here that don't frequent that great community (shame on you!)

They aren't really life changing or anything, just a different sort of method for grouping....

Basically someone came up with a macro that when activated, selects all the regions aligned vertically under the mouse cursor that are all part of the same folder. So if you just put the tracks you want to edit all in a folder (which my drums always are anyways), you can hit this key command when your mouse is hovering over anything in that folder and it will select everything "grouped" with it in the folder.

It doesn't work properly for moving crossfades around though so I haven't been using it.

For anyone who wants to try though, action list is as follows:

Save current track selection
Select item under mouse cursor
Move Edit Cursor to Mouse Cursor (no snapping)
Store Edit Cursor Position
Select only parents of selected folder tracks
Select only children of selected folders
Select items under edit cursor on selected tracks
Recall edit cursor position
Restore saved track selection

You need the SWS/Xenakios extensions for most of those actions.

It doesn't actually GROUP anything, it just selects every item in the folder that are vertically aligned, and once they are all selected any editing you do applies to all of them, so they behave more or less as if they are grouped. Actually GROUPING the items in the first place though still works better.
How come a bunch of editing functions don't follow gouping?
Even selecting holding shift is weird!?
Can you explain this better? What functions don't follow grouping? The only functions I am using for editing are split and slip and they seem to work fine? Shift selecting select contiguous regions, command/ctrl select should select non-contiguous regions.
My questions were more general Reaper questions than directly to your video.

OK for selecting I've got some screenshots.
First of all selecting something that is grouped should select that region and all regions above and below (LIKE PT) but it doesn't. That's fine, but this bothers me.

I select one region

I hold shift and click to add more regions to the selection

I do the exact same thing still holding shift and clicking the region above the last one I clicked and see what happens

delete doesn't follow grouping. i couldn't figure out how to get the separate under mouse cursor to work on all tracks at once, maybe that's related to folders? I can't find how to make a folder in the mac version. shrug

I set the grid lines to Purple, blue and grey (Measure, beat, in between) and i do not see the blue.

I'll have more questions later.
My questions were more general Reaper questions than directly to your video.

OK for selecting I've got some screenshots.
First of all selecting something that is grouped should select that region and all regions above and below (LIKE PT) but it doesn't.

Yeah I agree, it's annoying, you should be able to visually see what is grouped together. As it stands, you could make 50 item groups and there is no way to tell the difference between them, you just have to remember what is grouped together. Grouping in Reaper sucks, period.

That's fine, but this bothers me.

I select one region

I hold shift and click to add more regions to the selection

I do the exact same thing still holding shift and clicking the region above the last one I clicked and see what happens

Oh wow that's weird, I can mimick this as well... Must be doing it for a reason, not sure why though. I never shift+click, I just right click and drag to make a marquee selection so I've never noticed it.

delete doesn't follow grouping. i couldn't figure out how to get the separate under mouse cursor to work on all tracks at once, maybe that's related to folders? I can't find how to make a folder in the mac version. shrug

You have to make a macro for it, the "Split Item under Mouse Cursor" action does not work for multiple tracks no matter what, it's a bit weird.

Make this macro:
Select item under mouse cursor
Move edit cursor to mouse cursor
Split item(s) at edit cursor

That will split the item at the mouse cursor and will work on any items that are selected or grouped together.

Making folders is simple, you just create a new track, move it so it is directly above all of the tracks you want inside the folder, then hit the folder icon next to the name of the new track. Then go to the last item that you want in the folder and click the folder icon until it is enclosing that item as the last one. The folder icon cycles through a few different things so you have to click it a couple times in each instance to get what you want.


I set the grid lines to Purple, blue and grey (Measure, beat, in between) and i do not see the blue.

I'll have more questions later.

Mine works fine?


Black, purple and green. The dotted lines make it hard to tell the difference between some colours, I wish you could just BOLD them or something...

EDIT: Go to Snap/Grid Settings and uncheck "Show dotted grid lines". You would think this would just disable the grid, but it actually changes them to thicker fuller non-dotted lines.
Right click on the GRID icon and you can set how many beats the grid shows, i think default is 1/4, so every beat gets a line. I set it to 1/16, and then the inbetween beats show up.

Careful, the way it's labeled is a bit confusing. It is asking you what BEAT divisions to show. So setting it to 1/4 will set your grid to 16th notes, since 1/4 of a beat is a 16th. Setting that parameter to 1/16 is like 64th notes.
I don't think so, you can't change the mouse modifiers yet (so slip is stuck on alt+click no matter what) and I can't figure out a way to use Caps Lock in a macro either. Would be nice if you could bind down the alt key and not have to hold it. I feel like a third party app can probably do this for you?

i mentioned in the other thread- windows has an integrated feature called sticky keys, joey used to use it while editing drums in cubendo. it can be found in the windows accesibility menu. don't know about mac though. isn't there command control focus or something along those lines that i've heard of?

from windows help:

StickyKeys is designed for people who have difficulty holding down two or more keys simultaneously. When a shortcut requires a key combination, such as CTRL+P, StickyKeys will enable you to press a modifier key (CTRL, ALT, or SHIFT), or the Windows logo key, and have it remain active until another key is pressed.

1. Open Accessibility Options.
2. On the Keyboard tab, under StickyKeys, select the Use StickyKeys check box.
3. To turn off StickyKeys, clear the Use StickyKeys check box.