Reaper Slip Editing Tutorial

+1000 I have been trying to figure out how to edit drums efficiently for years. I have just converted hits to midi in the past. This is Holy Grail shit for me. Thank you guys that have contributed!

I only have one problem im having besides noobness involves the auto cross fades..... I can get the cut at curser and slip audio to work but I can’t seem to get the auto cross fades to work and it is turned on in my preferences.
Do I have to create a macro? Im using Cubase.

same problem here...
My understanding is that with Cubase, you do all your cuts and slips and then afterwards you select all the regions and do a batch fade or something, I'm sure someone else can chime in.

Cool thats the only way i was getting it to work. I t would be cool to get the crossfades to work like you did in Reaper.
In Cubase using this method I just set Auto Fades as default for fade in/out and crossfade, all at 5ms. Now here's the thing. The first time I did this method I selected all the drum events and hit X (crossfade events) and it did it. Then I listened back, I could hear all kinds of weirdness going on. Not terrible but just... weird. So then I was talking to Jeff(TD) and he said don't do anything. So I did undo on on the xfades, hit play and oddly enough, it sounded fine.
In Cubase using this method I just set Auto Fades as default for fade in/out and crossfade, all at 5ms. Now here's the thing. The first time I did this method I selected all the drum events and hit X (crossfade events) and it did it. Then I listened back, I could hear all kinds of weirdness going on. Not terrible but just... weird. So then I was talking to Jeff(TD) and he said don't do anything. So I did undo on on the xfades, hit play and oddly enough, it sounded fine.

Strange...Just for shiggles last night after i made some cut and slips, I played my tracks back and there where pops and clicks throughout the whole segment.
Strange...Just for shiggles last night after i made some cut and slips, I played my tracks back and there where pops and clicks throughout the whole segment.

With Auto Fades set?

I'll try to post a before/after clip to demonstrate the way I'm talking about and also xfading after the fact.
for windows users alt is a bit of bitch as it selects the menu. Anyone know how to stop this? for example if i use alt+mousewheel to scroll horizontally, release alt then try and use mousewheel zooming it juse does nothing as i've actually got the file menu selected by having pressed alt

Options->Preferences: General->Keyboard - Tick "Prevent ALT key from focusing main window."
Was just trying linear/equal gain crossfades. I can hear dips in volume using those. I've gone back to using equal power crossfades, or fastin/slowout.

This is a great question, the fades you are referring to are usually called "Equal Power Crossfades" whereas I'm using "Linear Crossfades." I have never understoof the purpose of an equal power crossfade, I would very much like someone to explain it to me? If I take a piece of audio, split it and put an equal power crossfade, it gets louder at the middle of the fade. Why would you want this? I figure you always want the sum of the two signals to equal the same volume as one signal at regular volume on it's own, and a linear crossfade achieves this while an equal power crossfade raises the volume of the whole clip during the fade...

I just did a quick test to try to figure out which crossfade should be used. The results are below.

Creating a split on a track using the two fades results in the equal-power creating a boost in volume (bottom two tracks) while the linear produces the exact same result as if no fade existed.


Creating a split on the track and slipping it over, the linear fade produces a drop in volume (2nd + 3rd tracks) while the equal-power appears to keep the volume consistent (bottom two tracks.)


My conclusion is that it depends on the situation as to what fade you use, but if my results are correct, then equal-power fades should be used for drum editing and other slipping.

I'd still like some confirmation on this though from someone who really knows.
@crosstalk: Nice dude thanks for that. I wonder why the linear crossfade creates a volume drop just because udio has been slipped around? Some theory behind this would be really helpful because I would really like to understand it... Must have something to do with differences in phase when something is moved around? I'm guessing then equal power crossfades should pretty much be used exclusively as you will never be crossfading something with itself, you might as well not have a crossfade at all in that scenario.
For the guys with Cubase, I'm going to be making a video tonight of this method. Honestly I have had two people explain it to me and didn't really comprehend until I saw Adam's video here. But since there isn't a video for the Cubase version of it, that I know of, I thought I would contribute one...
anyone tried this method using sonar? I haven't downloaded the video yet (slow download), but if sonar can do this it will help me out big time with the current band I am recording (using audiosnap at the moment)
Vid is too long for YouTube otherwise I'd upload it :/ Maybe I can make a condensed one that gets the point across in 5 minutes instead of 17...

could just dice it into 3 parts and make a youtube playlist, most of the tuts on there are like that. although downloading the one you posted is probably much preferable, with the big sexy high-res. youtube you wouldn't be able to even see what's goin on
For the guys with Cubase, I'm going to be making a video tonight of this method. Honestly I have had two people explain it to me and didn't really comprehend until I saw Adam's video here. But since there isn't a video for the Cubase version of it, that I know of, I thought I would contribute one...

FUCK YEAH DO IT! Just want to make sure im doing it properly. And i have to say this thread has been the best thing sence i learned to dual track and pan guitars for the first time, many many moons ago.
anyone tried this method using sonar? I haven't downloaded the video yet (slow download), but if sonar can do this it will help me out big time with the current band I am recording (using audiosnap at the moment)

Unfortunately, I do not think Sonar has the slip function. Melodeth and I were talking earlier about this and he said he does not think Sonar has it, he uses Sonar.
For the guys with Cubase, I'm going to be making a video tonight of this method. Honestly I have had two people explain it to me and didn't really comprehend until I saw Adam's video here. But since there isn't a video for the Cubase version of it, that I know of, I thought I would contribute one...

it would be great!