Reaper Slip Editing Tutorial

Thanks, that did the trick. I don't know what happened, I had this working the other day.. I recently upgraded to the newest version of Reaper, so maybe that fucked with my custom actions. Anyways regardless, thanks!
Why not just select "Split item under mouse cursor" as the third option?

And Damian, I see you had that at option 2, you need to select the item first in option 2 so it's the only thing getting split
Grouping (item grouping I assume) I understand, but how could you have multiple selections with that macro? (since it involves a selection step already)
Ah ok, all I meant was in the context of this macro (where as you've said you don't intend you use it with multiple selections), I didn't see why it mattered that "Split item under mouse cursor" splits only the item under the mouse cursor, but I guess it's because when you use the macro to select an item in a group, it automatically selects all items in that group, and if you want to split them all you need to make it "Split items at edit or play cursor"? Sorry, don't misunderstand, I'm not trying to make a big deal out of this, just picking the brain of someone who knows the program far more in-depth than myself :D
Ah ok, all I meant was in the context of this macro (where as you've said you don't intend you use it with multiple selections), I didn't see why it mattered that "Split item under mouse cursor" splits only the item under the mouse cursor, but I guess it's because when you use the macro to select an item in a group, it automatically selects all items in that group, and if you want to split them all you need to make it "Split items at edit or play cursor"? Sorry, don't misunderstand, I'm not trying to make a big deal out of this, just picking the brain of someone who knows the program far more in-depth than myself :D

Maybe I'm misunderstanding but of course it matters that it doesn't split the whole group? You edit your drums together so the split needs to split every item in the group. "Split Under Mouse Cursor" DOESN'T split the group, just the specific item, even if it is in a group. It SHOULD, but it doesn't, just another Reaper bug. So I had to make a macro that accomplished the same thing and still worked with groups.

"Select Item Under Mouse Cursor" is necessary to select the item you want to split, because if you have other shit selected and split at the edit cursor, it will try to split the selected items, not the actual items under the edit cursor.

"Move Edit Cursor to Mouse Cursor" is necessary so you can split at the edit cursor and have it behave as if it's splitting at the mouse cursor.

"Split at Edit Cursor" is pretty self explanatory. It will split any selected items as well as the items they are grouped with at the edit cursor. This is how the regular "Split item under mouse cursor" action SHOULD behave but for some reason doesn't, which is why the workaround is necessary.

Make sense...?
Yup, I gotcha - see, I never have the need to edit drums, so I don't ever group items together, and thus don't instinctively think of needing one split to apply to all (and wanted to just confirm that was your reasoning for choosing what you did :))
Yup, I gotcha - see, I never have the need to edit drums

Oh my god that must be a blessing! Today I was actually contemplating why I'm still considering myself a drummer... it would be a walk in the park to just switch to guitar full time and buy a good drum library and just program the damn stuff. But no, something still keeps me in that swamp. Maybe I'll remember why I'm a drummer once I finish my album.

Anyway, thanks for the tutorial Adam, it's awesome! Seriously, this is gonna ease my pain a lot :)

Just tried it on one of my songs and edited the kick drum separately. It sounds tits and it was really brain dead easy to do. It took a bit long though since I haven't gotten into the flow yet and had to stop and answer people on goddamn MSN but other than that... it's smooth :D I'm gonna be digging deep into this over the next few days and editing all the drums quickly. Thank you again, this tutorial rocks.

Just tried it on one of my songs and edited the kick drum separately. It sounds tits and it was really brain dead easy to do. It took a bit long though since I haven't gotten into the flow yet and had to stop and answer people on goddamn MSN but other than that... it's smooth :D I'm gonna be digging deep into this over the next few days and editing all the drums quickly. Thank you again, this tutorial rocks.

Hey dude, just a tip to speed things up, don't just arbitrarily edit the kick separately for the whole song. Edit all of it together and when you get to a part where the kick and snare are at the same time and not synced up perfectly, sync up the snare, then create a split at the next transient so your next chunk of drums remains grouped and the kick edit your about to do doesn't throw off the kick compared to the rest of the kit for the rest of the song, click the group icon in the kick item that was out of sync to ungroup just that one snippet and move that one hit manually.

I find this is a lot faster than editing the whole song twice (once for kick, once for rest of kit) and you maintain phase coherency between your kick better for the whole track.

With fast double bass runs that usually create cymbal artifacts, I will cut ALL the drums at every second or fourth .bass drum hit, and then fix the in between kicks separately
With fast double bass runs that usually create cymbal artifacts, I will cut ALL the drums at every second or fourth .bass drum hit, and then fix the in between kicks separately

+1, edits the downbeat for the cymbal hits and doesn't fuck with the rest of the bleed.

FWIW, I don't bother fixing kicks on longer double-kick runs; I just leave it as is after editing the snare/cymbals, drumtracker the kick, and quantize the midi to grid to trigger a perfect kick (single hits and triplets and shit are already quantized manually with the first process, its only the longer, steady double bass bits that really get fixed via midi).
I just edited 3 songs in about 3 1/2 hours in reaper! been using protools for a few years and this is so much easier.

thank you so much for this tutorial!:kickass::kickass::kickass:

Why isn't this thread stickied?
I just edited 3 songs in about 3 1/2 hours in reaper! been using protools for a few years and this is so much easier.

thank you so much for this tutorial!:kickass::kickass::kickass:

Why isn't this thread stickied?

Agreed, this thing needs to be stikied. I'm tired of hunting it down, and the forum's search doesn't work for shit. (Or I'm retarded, either one)

Gonna try my hand at some slip editing today.