knows what you think.
Quick clip of my first death metal song in progress. Using my HellRaiser C7 -> MKIII (bass box -> 6505+ with Flathill Red tonestack on the green channel -> signal splitter (2x RIR with one Recab Ghandi from 1.04 and one GH impulse, blended 50/50) -> GR8) -> Cubase.
Honestly the Recabinet impulse filled the tone out a LOT. With just the GH it was way too thin, even with compensating for it with EQ before and/or after the RIR module. With just the Recab is was fuller, but not *as* clear as the GH, but together...holy crap. I think so anyway, YMMV. I think a big improvement has been made here (in 1.04) and also I'm finding that blending two impulses together really helps to create some good simulated tones.
That reads interesting. Which GH impulse did you use for a blend?