recent concert thread,,,

Originally posted by Cornholio
Yeh, Gauny, dinner ... I remember now ... ;)
can you forgive me ?? what was the dinner like then ?

and I might see Rebellion on January 18th ... and of course Saxon on January 22nd :)
Quoting oneself is actually kinda cool :D

And yes, I saw Rebellion last saturday, it was cool, they played - as susal - some old Grave Digger-songs :)

And last night I saw Saxon ! :headbang:
Wolf was the first band, and ... well, according to their 2 CDs I expected more ... Evidence One then ... good Hard Rock ... Nocturnal Rites then, great live-band, but they didn't play anything of their acutal output "Shadowland" :(

And Saxon rocked the house for about 2 1/2 hours :cool: :cool: :cool:
Originally posted by Cornholio
Quoting oneself is actually kinda cool :D
it's lame. if not super-lame :p
And you know what I think of Rebellion/Grave Digger, don't you? :D
Nocturnal Rites indeed rock live though (OMG....we agree on smth :eek: ;) )