Recent Purchases

That's cool looking!

Age of Heroes #4
Captain America : Patriot #1
Daken : Dark Wolverine #1
Heroic Age : One Month to Live #3
Invaders NOW! #1
New Mutants #17
Shadowland : Ghost Rider #1
Shadowland : Power Man #2
Steve Rogers : Super Soldier #3
Thor #614
Thor : For Asgard #2
Thunderbolts #148
X-23 #1

Iron Man #304 (1995 I think)
Uncanny X-Men #350 (1998 I think)

Been looking for that last bastard for a few months now, glad I found it. :D
How the fuck can you spend so much on alchohol and cigarettes? :p
It'd probably come out to near the same amount I think. :lol:

Time to play:)
Training, school, and mom not being home to pay for the download when I remember that I want it:lol: Only played for 1 hour though since I wante to follow the election. Once I've finished homework and training today I'll play away the rest of the evening:D