Recent Purchases

I got a white Massive Aggressive ti-shirt, a white Enter the Grave t-shirt and Gama Bomb's Atlantis t-shirt for $6.66 each from Earache last week. :D
Hoping they're in the mailbox today.
I bought a subscription to Eddie Trunk's website lol

$30 and I get a signed photo of him on top of access to 3 years of interviews and the ability to stream his live show. it's the gayest looking photo ever! Haha! I'm excited to get it so I can be ironic wooo
Avengers Academy #4
Heroic Age : One Month to Live #4
Hit-Monkey #3
Shadowland : Daughters of the Shadow #2
Shadowland : Moon Knight #2
Thor #615
X-Campus #4

Younblood #10

I got payed today. :D
Aha! Caveman Ninja! Where have you been? There was this dude using your name, but he had these weird avatars and I was certain it wasn't you. :p

Thatguy, only like a month more till Fallout! I'm thinking that I should get the strategy guide. :lol: