Recent Purchases

I think Sacrament and As the Palaces burn suck alot more cause this staccato riffing on Palaces is just crap. Sacrament is too 'trendy' anyhow and the songwriting doesn't do anything good aswell.

recent purchase:

Saint Vitus - Mournful Cries
Daytripper TPB
Invincible Compendium Vol. 1
Morning Glories Vol. 1

This week's comic releases, along with pre-ordering next week's

The Walking Dead #85-88

Pre-ordered both of these :
Dream Theater - A Dramatic Turn of Events
Opeth - Heritage
Secret Warriors Vol. 1

Amon Amarth - The Crusher

Five Serpent's Teeth "Cult Python" pack or whatever it was
Cannabis Corpse- Blunted at birth cd
Cannabis Corpse- Tube of the resinated cd
Cannabis Corpse- The weeding cd
Cannabis Corpse- Beneath Grow Lights Thou Shalt Rise cd
Cannibal Corpse- Eaten back to life LP (Back on Black)
Morrissey- Vauxhall and I
Morrissey- Ringleader of The Tormentors
just bought a bunch of shit. I really hope I don't have to buy too many books this semester, because if so I'm fucked! Hahaha. Thank god for libraries, I guess.
Evile - FST Viper pack thingy
Revocation - Chaos of Forms vinyl
USB 3.0 ExpressCard
25 ft HDMI cable
Kickass office chair
shoes, socks and new trousers for work + ...

