Recent Purchases

YESYESYES. By the way, my avatar is Yorick, the main character from Y, The Last Man. :p That TMNT book any good? That series of paperbacks covers the issues missing in the Eastman and Laird Ultimate Collection books.
YESYESYES. By the way, my avatar is Yorick, the main character from Y, The Last Man. :p

Seems like it, mainly because of the monkey. :lol:

That TMNT book any good? That series of paperbacks covers the issues missing in the Eastman and Laird Ultimate Collection books.

It's got a shit ton of issues (like maybe 10 singles?) varying from as small as 4 pages (seriously) to about... 11-12 pages? Which rounds up to about a bit over 110 pages. Some of the stuff there was pretty cool - ranged from funny to cool, etc etc. I say get it if you're a big enough fan.
Don't make fun of Ampersand. He'll fuck you up. :lol: I should probably revive the comics thread so we don't blow this one up.
originally wanted a Swallowed In Black one but they haven't got it NOWHERE in Xlarge! :mad:
I think I got: Mortifer - Euthanasia

Everyone who likes Aspid might check this band out, very awesome straight forward russian Thrash.
not sure yet what I got. Let's see what lies at the post station..
The Dark Knight Rises Limited Edition Blu-Ray (With Broken Bat Cowl)

Bonded By Blood - The Aftermath
Gojira - Le Enfant Sauvage

Batman : Earth One HC
Scalped Vol. 4 : The Gravel in Your Guts
Sweet Tooth Vol. 3 :Animal Armies
The Walking Dead HC Vol. 7
Ultimate Spider-Man HC Vol. 12
I've been on a gear buying spree recently, what with the new job and good pay and all.
MXR carbon copy analog delay pedal
Fulltone Choral/flange (STOKED!)
Boss Chorus ensemble (just because I didn't think I was going to be able to get my hands on the Fulltone pedal, but then I did.)
Scalped Vol. 5 - High Lonesome
Sweet Tooth Vol. 4 - Endangered Species

Think I finally managed to order a copy of the Anomaly graphic novel without it going on back order/out of stock the next day too! :lol:
Medievil Resurrection for the PSP.

It was £5 and I abvsolutely adore the original, so this was more of an experimental purchase than anything else - it's surprisingly different, but in a good way. Some of the dialogue, music and levels are the same, but the overall tone etc. is completely changed as well as Zarok's appearance (which is the only bit I really don't like, he looks retarded). Not bad for a fiver though!