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This is my peanut butter holy grail. I get pots of it most christmas and its soooo tasty. It's imported over from America though so it is quite expensive. I have another pot on that I use at the same time just so I can save some of the better stuff ^^
Crunchy peanut butter? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!

I'll take the creamy kind, thank you.

Also, yeah, its expensive as fuck here too but its totally worth it. :yum:


This is my peanut butter holy grail. I get pots of it most christmas and its soooo tasty. It's imported over from America though so it is quite expensive. I have another pot on that I use at the same time just so I can save some of the better stuff ^^

Sounds good. Might have to track some down to try one day...
This evening I just spent £30 on my fiancee's birthday presents... but considering that I bought her a Ghost Nappa shirt and a Piccolo bust, I think I can live with it. Yeah, my woman loves Dragon Ball as much as I do - to the point where she cried when Piccolo died in the Saiyan saga, so if she's pissing me off, all I need to do is say 'Piccolo'. :lol:

Bought myself a little cheap Goku bust too because it was cheap and because... well, fuck it. I feel like I'm ten again! :D

I used to eat peanut butter on toast for breakfast SOOOOOOOOOOO much when I was young (and still do!), Jif Peanut Butter taste great but I'm usually finding some Kraft or Skippy PB lying around the house. Speaking of which, we're almost out... :lol:

EDIT: Crunchy, smooth, who gives a fuck? It's PEANUT BUTTER!! :D