Recent Purchases

Cosmograf - The Man Left in Space
Gazpacho - March of Ghosts
Gazpacho - Tick Tock
Iq - Road of Bones
Iq - The Seventh House
Iq - Ever
Lifesigns - s/t

My appetite for new music is insatiable at the moment.
I need to give the new one more listens, but it surpasses anything Metallica, Megadeth or Slayer has done recently. I don't include Anthrax because I consider Worship Music the best thrash album from the Big 4 since Megadeth's R.I.P.

I wouldn't consider it a thrash album at all!

If people are looking for something awesome then try the latest Spiritual Beggars album 'Earth Blues'. It's totally brilliant!
Cosmograf - Capacitor
Gazpacho - Bravo
Gazpacho - Firebird
Gazpacho - When Earth Lets Go

A PS1 dualshock controller
Sabbat - Dreamweaver Hoodie (for a very nice price)

But what the fuck?! What a joke buy anyway.. trashed 20 Euros for this but the Hoodie looks ridiculous.. maybe will sell it on someone interested.
Fallujah - The Flesh Prevails
Insomnium - In the Halls of Awaiting
Insomnium - Shadows of the Dying Sun
Totally going to get one of these...



But I can't decide between black or white...!!
Yeah... I agree. In recent years I've been building my white band shirt collection (in an attempt to get a full load to wash haha) so I might continue, even though I actually think the black suites this shirt a little better.

Though saying that, they're only 5 euros! So I could get them both really, but I don't need them both...
LittleBIGPlanet 3 (Pre-order)

The Contortionist - Language
Fallujah - The Flesh Prevails
The Ocean - Precambrian
The Ocean - Anthropocentric
The Ocean - Heliocentric
The Ocean - Pelagial
TesseracT - Altered State