Recent Purchases

Hotel room in Stockholm, hotel room in Västerås, plus train tickets from Stockholm to Västerås. Soon to buy Tiger Woods 2011 for the Wii for my paw, some perfume for le mama & some other assorted Christmas stuff, another hotel room for in Stockholm, then that's me absolutely SKINT.
Ordered this fucking thing:


Try not to fall in love with that artwork. FUCK.

That album had less of that from what I heard, so a good starting point I think. And it was $4.95 so WTF, why not? :lol:
Not a shirt to wear at dinner with the in-laws :lol:

Just did a massive fuck-off christmas shop on Amazon, but I bought some shit for me too ;)

Cyclone Temple - I Hate Therefore I Am 1999 reissue
Aftermath - The Eyes of Tomorrow 1998 reissue
Super Dragonball Z and Dragonball Z: Budokai 3 for the PS2 because they were both fucking cheap.

All in all only came to about £15 for that lot. The rest of it knocked me down from the fresh, crisp £105 I recieved four hours ago to under £7. Ouch.

Nice, I like that Cyclone Temple album. Bought it a year or so ago from ebay. That's one of those ace albums that no-one ever mentions...
Cathedral - The VIIth Coming

$1.65 on Amazon? :lol: I'll take that thanks. That's less than a newspaper on Sundays! And a box of cereal! And a comic book! :lol: