Recomend me some music! thread

I went through a period of thinking it was a bit naff, as I hadn't listened to it for ages and simply forgot that it ruled. Then i listened to 'Under a Total Blackened Sky' and it kicked me in the tits.
Pleasure to Kill is good at first, but it's nothing spectacular. A handful of great songs and a bunch of decent to average ones - it's ALL about Enemy of God! For this sweet motherfucker alone!

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Well, I am one of the Pleasure to Kill worshippers, so I'll just say what it is that makes me love that album.

1. The sheer passion that oozes out of your speakers. These dudes mean business.
2. Mille's vocals. This is my favourite Mille. Followed by Terrible Certainty. But first and foremost PTK.
3. The goddamn songs: Pleasure to Kill, Riot of Violence, Under the Guillotine, Pestilence, Ripping Corpse, damn, I love the songs man!
4. The drumming. Insane, frenzied, uncontrollable, that's the passion I mean. I love that weird sound they have, so characteristic.

Sure, they became better players, more focused and precise. I love all the albums up to (and including) Renewal (and the comeback albums as well). But they had some fire in Pleasure to Kill that I don't know, it just gets to me, it is THE coolest Kreator period for me.

BTW, Enemy of God, track 8, When Death Takes Its Dominion: Awesome change of pace in the 2 minute mark (around there I think) but the real FIRE is the solo (around the 4:19 mark if I am not mistaken). Damn, that solo is fucking sweet, note for note. I'm a sucker for melodic minors anyway, so this one was one that stood out immediately. Many repeats and rewinds there!
In all honesty I must say Pleasure to Kill was the album that got me into Thrash-metal as a genre and it's still one of my favorite Kreator albums besides Terrible Certainty and Coma of Souls.

But I can understand people don't like the album cause I also have my problems with it (especially when Iam not in the mood)
It's still very difficult to say if it's still my favorite but definitly one of the most listened records..
On the topic of Devin Townsend, sometimes I wonder why I like Accelerated Evolution so much and hate Synchestra so much more.
You know what, I've noticed that I haven't managed to get into Synchestra or Terria too. Odd. Accelerated Evolution is just mindblowingly good though - I think Synchestra just requires a bit mroe time. Vampira is the only one I can ever recall!
You know what, I've noticed that I haven't managed to get into Synchestra or Terria too. Odd. Accelerated Evolution is just mindblowingly good though - I think Synchestra just requires a bit mroe time. Vampira is the only one I can ever recall!

Maybe that's it. I listened to Synchestra 3 times and found it actually pretty irritating to tell the truth. Maybe if I gave it a couple of other listens I could get into it but with so much good stuff around these days, I'm not going to spare the effort, especially since I loved Accelerated Evolution the first time I listened to it.
I think I may regret this, as this man has an extensive list of music he's done but.... Best place to start for Devin Townsend? Never heard any of it before.
Depends what sort of music you're after.

Extreme heaviness - Strapping Young Lad's City or Alien

Extreme heaviness and insanity with an operatic feel - Deconstruction

Pop metal/catchy tunes - Infinity and Addicted (ESPECIALLY Addicted)

Calm, serene stuff - Ghost, Ki

A mix of heaviness, pop and silliness - Ziltoid the Omniscient

A little bit of everything - Ocean Machine, Accelerated Evolution

That's pretty much as accurate as I can get. Choose what fits you best.
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Aye, Addicted and Ziltoid are fucking incredible. As are his other works, but those are probably his absolute best.

For SYL, just get City and Alien along with The New Black. SYL and Heavy As A Really Heavy Thing are a slightly average.