Recomend me some music! thread

I havent heard Independent, I cant find the cd anywhere or its just ridichilously expensive.. But the song Independent is awesome...

I hope someone already suggested these but..
Whiplash - Power & Pain
Whiplash - Ticket to Mayhem
Vio-Lence - Ethernal Nightmare
:lol: WOO I get to execute Slatanicthrash!

Thought that would make your night


Goddammit Dave, you get all the best jobs...

Hey you can join in as well

Infact all you Megacrap fans can join in, see it doesn't even need much persuasion to kill me, I have given each and every one of you a valid reason to join the killing squad

Infact this has given me an idea for a topic
He hasn't relapsed in 15 years so I wouldn't hold your breath Metallifag. Wishful thinking.

i assume the metallifag insult was aimed at me then. why would i want him to relapse? i was merely poking fun at the amount of times he's relapsed in the past. thrasherdave yet again being abusive to other forum members. most other forums you'd have been banned ages ago