Recommend me some US TV series.....

i dont personally care for it, but i def understand the appeal that american idol has... the interactivity and all that jazz. i'm honestly totally surprised its lasted this long. I thought that the public woulda gotten bored of it by now. hasnt it been like 10 years now?
i've never seen Grey's Anatomy myself, but if south park says its lame... it must be so! ask Kanye, he gets it now ;)

Well, all that really happens in Grey's is that everybody has sex with everybody, and there's some random drama and problem solving that needs to be done, the occasional gut shot in surgeries and some squirt of blood, and... oh, more drama.

And the classic standard "the guy and the girl who are in love but never becomes a couple due to ... drama"-case.

And I STILL watch it... now why the fuck do I do that? *ponders*
i dont personally care for it, but i def understand the appeal that american idol has... the interactivity and all that jazz. i'm honestly totally surprised its lasted this long. I thought that the public woulda gotten bored of it by now. hasnt it been like 10 years now?

This is the 8th season... I don't vote, but my roommate does... she's all into that shit... there is actually some vocal talent in there this season...
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia!!!!

PS HowTF can you watch crap like Sex & The City and Desperate Housewives and not like 24 or Lost?


I knew the Sex & The City and Desperate Housewives would cause controversy.

If one manages to put one's hairy chest-thumping masculine ego aside for a while they are pretty amusing and make for some good light hearted watching. :)

24 is good but it's looooooooooooooooooooong. I just don't have the patience for it and usually fall asleep.

Not sure why but couldn't get into Lost.

Thanks for all your suggestions.
Well in the Lost the plot thickes a bit in 2nd and 3rd series, give it a try, I've seen many different series but Lost is defo my #1. Apart from that: House! Scrubs, Californication, BSG but I doubt your wife will enjoy it. Another good one is My Wife And Kids with Damon Wayans, there are moments when bricks get shat massively! Other cool show I've seen was The O.C. really cool characters, some nice chicks (pshhh.. dont tell your wife :lol: ) and sunny California!
True Blood
The Black Donnellys (sadly discontinued after 1st season)

Some comedies:

Duckman: Private Dick/Family Man
Married With Children
The Simpsons
Rocko's Modern Life and Mythbusters.

Seinfeld is a violation of the Geneva Conventions, and should be left to the vultures. Rome was a massive clusterfuck with laughable attempts at historical accuracy that couldn't stop sucking its own dick to save itself from choking. 24 is an illogical trainwreck that's not even as entertaining as Republican propaganda that *admits* to being Republican propaganda. Hell, you're in England - why would you need to stoop down to *our* levels?

severe lack of love for twin peaks going on here
im ashamed of all of you :(
Don't limit yourself to US shows, most UK stuff is far more superior.

Alan Partridge - especially Saxondale (Great soundtrack!)
Life on Mars UK - Again, great soundtrack.
Curb Your Enthusiasm - LARRY DAVID OWNS ALL !
South Park
The Office UK (the US version only gets a mention due to it's first two seasons)
The Day Today
Extras is a shakespearean tragedy masquerading as a comedy
a work of absolute artistic genius that deserves to be checked out by everyone on this forum!
(you forgot brasseye and jam btw! :D)