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Does Tomas Skogsburg have his own website or is there is sunlight studio's site. When I look up sunlight get all kinds of websites. Lately i've been infatuated with bands that record there and the way he makes there instruments sound.

this guy is a genius when knowing what death metal should sound like.
J Mann said:
Quick, I need super melancholic black metal recommendations in the vein of Alcest's Le Secret EP. Thanks in advance.

Uh... with all those acoustics n' stuff? Not much else out there like it. I'm guessing you've familiarized yourself with Drudkh, so try Celestia and Mortifera, two other projects from Niege. Noltem might also be up your alley, though it's more folky than melancholic.
Décadent said:
Uh... with all those acoustics n' stuff? Not much else out there like it. I'm guessing you've familiarized yourself with Drudkh, so try Celestia and Mortifera, two other projects from Niege. Noltem might also be up your alley, though it's more folky than melancholic.

As far as I can tell he didn't even use an acoustic guitar in either two Le Secret tracks. It is simply clean electric guitar. I was more specifically talking about the actual black metal riffs that have a very strong melancholic, and sense of yearning about them that I haven't heard much of in black metal.

Thanks for the rec's, though I have heard them all save Noltem.
Vader and polished death metal sucks. Poland is probably the only place in europe that i've never heard any good death metal from. I can see why vader decapiated and behemoth are big in the US since they sound influenced by US acts such as slayer and morbid angel which are pretty big.
Vader is heavily slayer and morbid angel influenced - correct. Both bands you seemingly love.


The Ultimate Incantation and De Profoundis

... proper listens.

Also, decapitated has a very morbid angel sound - so again, should be relistened - starting with nihility.
Alright, so there are a few select cuts of black metal that I love - Tyrants, Dark Mind, and Antarctica off of Immortal's SoND, Dead Angels, Retribution, and Thorns on Dissection's SoLB. Primordial would be good if they had a better vocalist. Khold is alright but a little too abrasive, Emperor and Wintersun are enjoyable but nothing that I love. Don't like Mayhem, Behemoth, Dimmu, CoF, or old school Ulver at all.

Give me some ideas.
I recommend you guys a band called Ahab and their album "The Oath". They are one of the most best doom metal bands I have heard. You can compare them to Tyranny. There are only three songs in the album, each has about 10 minutes. Those three tracks (excluding outro) creates a incredible depressing climate. If you are in a bad mood this will surely fuck it up completely.
looking for two things:

1. bands similar to ayreon / spheric universe experience

2. bands with similar style (in particular, lyrical content) to vintersorg's a focusing blur

Erik said:
there's _nothing_ that sounds like alcest, sorry

My fears are confirmed then. :(

I guess all I can hope for is that Neige gets off his ass and releases an Alcest full-length soon.
Hammer of Might said:
what's the best BROCAS HELM album? I suspect they're all great, but which do I buy first?

This stuff sounds too good to ignore.

Defender Of The Crown > Black Death > Into Battle
byrne said:
Vader is heavily slayer and morbid angel influenced - correct. Both bands you seemingly love.


The Ultimate Incantation and De Profoundis

... proper listens.

Also, decapitated has a very morbid angel sound - so again, should be relistened - starting with nihility.

Thinking that makes something 'good' or appealing because of influence and traits is not really a good logic. That does not mean I would find those bands appealing because they try replicating bands i'm into too. If you listen to Morbid Angel and Vader a big difference is that vader song structures are really cookie cutter, and musically unimaginative compared to older MA. Morbid Angel is not afraid to expiriment when they need to break up cds or have songs that don't all have the same structures.

Decapitated have the most annoying stop and go riffs for example regardless them having some slayer and MA traits. Bands influenced by bands that have similiar traits are still very different.

I think it was lame decapitated was getting such praise as being young musicians but really majority of metal bands start young. The bands talent is exagerated.
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