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J Mann said:
Holy fuck I am just listening to Crimson Massacre's The Luster of Pandemonium for the first time. What a mindfuck, this is quite complex stuff but I am sure upon future listens this cd will reveal its beauty.

Any fans of the band/album?

I seriously can hardly stand it.
J Mann said:
Holy fuck I am just listening to Crimson Massacre's The Luster of Pandemonium for the first time. What a mindfuck, this is quite complex stuff but I am sure upon future listens this cd will reveal its beauty.

Any fans of the band/album?

J Mann said:
Holy fuck I am just listening to Crimson Massacre's The Luster of Pandemonium for the first time. What a mindfuck, this is quite complex stuff but I am sure upon future listens this cd will reveal its beauty.

Any fans of the band/album?

I had a friend recommend it to me a while back. It was hard to follow at first, but after the first track not so much. The acoustic song on the album is fucking awesome.
Ex-cally-boo said:
Indeed. Necrophagist is horrible.
fuck right off, i prefer necrophagist over psycroptic any say they are horrible is an ignorant understatement
J Mann said:
Holy fuck I am just listening to Crimson Massacre's The Luster of Pandemonium for the first time. What a mindfuck, this is quite complex stuff but I am sure upon future listens this cd will reveal its beauty.

Any fans of the band/album?
The album is absolulty great, I don't understand why people think it's just a technical wankery of riffs... maybe on the surface, but below... there is so many hidden melodies and ideas... I'm still devouring the music myself.. but it's great.
J Mann said:
Holy fuck I am just listening to Crimson Massacre's The Luster of Pandemonium for the first time. What a mindfuck, this is quite complex stuff but I am sure upon future listens this cd will reveal its beauty.

Any fans of the band/album?
I'd rather bash my head against a brick wall than listen to it one more time, although prolonged exposure to either activity will yield roughly the same result anyway.

On a serious note, while Obscura, for instance, clicked with me after 5 listens(and continues to intrigue me to this day) LoP fails to grab even after ten. It sounds as messy and overblown as it did when I first heard it
That clearly sung part in Epoch sounds so retardedly out of place:lol:
BurningWitch said:
Staying on subject of Arcane Sun, is there anything similar to they're album?

Not anything I've heard. Comparisons could probably be made, but albums like that come along rarely.
Ex-cally-boo said:
Green Carnation is pretty good, their acoustic album is great, and Light of Day; Day of Darkness can at times be a very nice listen.

Anyone know anything similar to Skyclad's Prince of the Poverty Line?

Silent Whales of Lunar Sea
zim18 said:
fuck right off, i prefer necrophagist over psycroptic any say they are horrible is an ignorant understatement

No, it really isn't. I'm not slating them as musicians, because in that area they are first class. However, all of their songs are vehicles for soloing and showing off their technicality.

Also, Psyopus is boring as hell too. Random scale playing does not make interesting music.

@Carcassian :) Yeah, I'm listening to TSWOTLS right know, you know of any other bands that sound like this?
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