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Ex-cally-boo said:
No, it really isn't. I'm not slating them as musicians, because in that area they are first class. However, all of their songs are vehicles for soloing and showing off their technicality.

This may be the first post of yours I've ever agreed to. Try not to make a habit of being right, k?
DarkBliss said:
I'd rather bash my head against a brick wall than listen to it one more time, although prolonged exposure to either activity will yield roughly the same result anyway.

On a serious note, while Obscura, for instance, clicked with me after 5 listens(and continues to intrigue me to this day) LoP fails to grab even after ten. It sounds as messy and overblown as it did when I first heard it
That clearly sung part in Epoch sounds so retardedly out of place:lol:

Seriously. Such an overrated and ridiculous album. Plus, this is probably a dumb thing to call them out on, admittedly, but they sure do have balls to list their tertiary genre on Myspace as "classical". Fuck off.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Seriously. Such an overrated and ridiculous album. Plus, this is probably a dumb thing to call them out on, admittedly, but they sure do have balls to list their tertiary genre on Myspace as "classical". Fuck off.

Hmm, I can see your point but their is still ample quality here thanks to some great melodic riffing. However the drummer needs to calm the fuck down as it gives the music an unwanted bombastic feel that almost destroys the intense yet well woven riffage.
I'm expecting Hexenhaus - A Tribute To Insanity LP in still sealed condition any day now. :cool:
J Mann said:
Hmm, I can see your point but their is still ample quality here thanks to some great melodic riffing. However the drummer needs to calm the fuck down as it gives the music an unwanted bombastic feel that almost destroys the intense yet well woven riffage.

The entire thing is "bombastic" to these ears; even the fucking concept. I do not appreciate it, sorry. The melodic riffing is quite nice at times, but it's overshadowed by their amazing pretense and self-aware image that eclipses their (pretty bad) music almost completely.

And I dislike the vocals too...
byrne said:
1. decaptitated are nothing like meshuggah.
2. bands influenced by other bands typically have very similar fan bases - so suggesting you would like them is not unreasonable.
3. you have had a history of not listening to/writing off things, that havent been praised by certain people. i.e baseless dislike for bands.

timebird/GoD also hates psycroptic and therefore his (her?) opinion on death metal is only partial reliable, so a starting point would be to discard things it (he/she) dislikes (althought when "it" recommends bands, typically they are pretty spot on).

Trust me I have heard all the decapitated albums. Winds of Creation sounds like a mix between Vader and Dies Irae. I don't think the record sucked but it really did not impress me. Decapiated's material after is just awful, the production is clicky garbage and the band started doing way to much of the mechanized/stop & go riffs making people believe 'they're technical' because people seem to have some kinda of facination with this type playing in metal music(meshuggah for example). The guitars are so studio compressed making the guitarist appear to be really clinical and tight but really live his playing is loose and sloppy.

Psycroptic are a new death metal band and are not going to be the epitome of it or music anytime soon so as band do not dictate someones music credibility. Psycroptic are better than decapitated though. Decapitated's new album is not even death metal actually, and the vocalist sounds like the singer for a hardcore band.

As a death metal fan and musician that is a newer generation can't even find any 'new' bands that I can say influence me so in 2006 my views are just pessimistic. Sometimes I don't even want to play death metal because I was not appart of it when it was actually meaningful unique and original, and leave my guitar in the case because there is no one in the now to make me feel appart of something that has hope.
fuck. i dont even remember making that post. i was hammered when i wrote it. it was amazingly coherent and accurate considering context.

most bands you listen to probably arent that meaningful/original/unique, so why the death metal genre needs to be singled out, i dont understand. i also dont see why you need to classify music by timeframe. sure, i agree most of the better death metal was written early / mid 90's, but that doesnt stop the odd gem from popping up.

the fact that t-bird (har) doesn't like some bands i do DOES impair his credibility in so far as what he says is not the be all and end all of music. clearly ...

anyway. whatever. im not missing out on anything.
A question for any

Vomiturition - Head Tales. worth owning ?

what would this be compared too.
Necuratul said:
I'm expecting Hexenhaus - A Tribute To Insanity LP in still sealed condition any day now. :cool:

Not today. :mad:

But I did get my Ashes Against The Grain shirt. :kickass:
Timebird while being a geeky 14 year old has golden taste. When I started posting here him and a few others had me back into extreme music when I was starting to leave it, even get back into some music I already owned. I could not possible give him erik and dodens enough credit for that. Anyone here into metal is not going to get better recomendations than on this forum section. Only having to look into recomendations from 3 people to find music for me is ace. This is why I post here waiting for someone to name drop an obscure death metal band :lol:

Many time's i've wanted to back hand timebird for being a little cunt, but i'm still going to check out what he mentions.
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