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Hammer of Might said:
I bet you feel all silly now.

hellz yeah

And Decapitated pretty much sucks, though the early stuff isn't horrible, but I sold off the lot of them anyway (demos CD through The Negation).
J.'s Recommendation for August 2nd:


I never tire of this fine art.
1. decaptitated are nothing like meshuggah.
2. bands influenced by other bands typically have very similar fan bases - so suggesting you would like them is not unreasonable.
3. you have had a history of not listening to/writing off things, that havent been praised by certain people. i.e baseless dislike for bands.

timebird/GoD also hates psycroptic and therefore his (her?) opinion on death metal is only partial reliable, so a starting point would be to discard things it (he/she) dislikes (althought when "it" recommends bands, typically they are pretty spot on).
are green carnation worth anyones time? heard a track on a cd sampler from the end records and it sounded alright but i suppose thats just a sound indictive of their new acoustic cd.
Green Carnation is pretty good, their acoustic album is great, and Light of Day; Day of Darkness can at times be a very nice listen.

Anyone know anything similar to Skyclad's Prince of the Poverty Line?
Holy fuck I am just listening to Crimson Massacre's The Luster of Pandemonium for the first time. What a mindfuck, this is quite complex stuff but I am sure upon future listens this cd will reveal its beauty.

Any fans of the band/album?
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