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That's a certainly a highlight of the album along with Before the Dawn and Where Sinners Burn

Here's a BM band that even The Greys should like(besides Sacramentum, that is)
Necromantia-Spiritdance(from Scarlet Evil Witching Black)
Ambient black metal with interesting song arrangements

Probably my favorite DM song ever: Phlebotomized-Mellow are the Reverberations
DarkBliss said:
That's a certainly a highlight of the album along with Before the Dawn and Where Sinners Burn

Here's a BM band that even The Greys should like(besides Sacramentum, that is)
Necromantia-Spiritdance(from Scarlet Evil Witching Black)
Ambient black metal with interesting song arrangements

Probably my favorite DM song ever: Phlebotomized-Mellow are the Reverberations

It's weird that Necromantia just use bass guitar rather than having bass and guitars.
~Neurotica said:
Has anybody heard Diamanda Galas? Are they good?

It's one person, or rather, Diamanda Galas is a person though she does have a backing band.

She's fucking astonishing. A good 4 plus octave range, and she does some of the most harsh shit i've ever heard. Much of her live work i've heard often involves sections of melody-less screeching at the top of her range. In a good way. She sounds like Miles Davis' trumpet. But she also is a beautiful, melodic operatic-style vocalist, she can do jazz, all kinds of anything... it's actually really hard to desribe exactly what she does, but it's very avant and experimental and totally unique.

Get "Plague Mass" for Diamanda at her most extreme. It's a tribute show to her brother who died of AIDS, and it's one of the most emotional things, maybe the most, i've ever heard.
The Greys said:
It's weird that Necromantia just use bass guitar rather than having bass and guitars.
they do have lead guitar (played by some sort of session musician iirc) though, at least on scarlet evil witching black
Blue_Jay said:
I think Dial 595 Escape from In Flames is a very underrated track from the band's Soundtrack To Your Escape album.
that whole album is underrated.
can anyone give me any current bands playing kickass traditional metal?
Since i'm such a nice young lad uploaded some of my recomendation for today/mourning.

Darkthrone -soulside journey 1991

sempiternal sepulchrality

iconoclasm sweeps cappadocia

nor the silent whispers


Norwegian death metal ARRRRR!!!.
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