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I really like Amon Amarth because of their vocals, Johan Hegg is awesome. I can't seem to find many other melodic death bands that use the deep growl vocals instead of the normal shrieks and ATG type (but I do love Tomas Lindberg vocals in ATG).
Devy_Metal said:
hey guys, can someone recommend me some bands that fit the following criteria:

i want aggressive thrash metal with melodic, aggressive riffing, but i want the vocals to be deep gutteral growls ala Nile, or earlier Hate Eternal. The best example would be like Eric Rutan's vocals on King of All Kings but in a thrash context, instead of the usual high pitched screaming found in melodic death/thrash ala Nightrage, Dimension Zero, At the Gates. thanks.
Nightrage, Dimension Zero, and At the Gates are not death/thrash, but here is some with low growls as you specified that can be download for FREE.

Also try Deathchain and Vader.
fat bastard said:
are you thinking a riffing style ala darkane or early soilwork but with brutal death vocals? can t think of a band that fits that but i love it when melodeath bands thrash it out. the melodic tendencies make it a bit more tasty for me than straight thrash.

yea, thats more or less what i am talking about. for instance, there is a song on king of all kings by hate eternal called "servants of the gods" and the drumming is more of a thrashier style than the rest of the album as it's pretty much just tons of double bass work. i dont know the technical term for it, as im not a drummer, but it's just when you strike the bass drum and immediately follow with a snare hit...typical thrash drumming i guess. i want music centered around that kind of drumming but with brutal vocals. sorry if im being's hard for me to explain precisely what i am looking for.

edit: it's not that difficult, actually it's simple. take your traditional melodeath band like at the gates, nightrage or dimension zero, and instead of higher pitched shrieking vocals, substitute low, deep gutteral vox.
Impudent said:
Nightrage, Dimension Zero, and At the Gates are not death/thrash, but here is some with low growls as you specified that can be download for FREE.

Also try Deathchain and Vader.

thanks, i listened to the first two MP3's, but the vocals are too highpitched for what i am looking for, although the music certainly was credible.

edit - just listened to deathchain......pretty fucking awesome and musically exactly what im talking about, but again, the vocals were too highpitched. At the end of the song "graveyard whitchery" the singer growls very deep "graveyard whitchery"...if he did this vocal style the entire song, this is what i am looking for. hope you understand. again, thanks for the help.
Devy_Metal said:
thanks, i listened to the first two MP3's, but the vocals are too highpitched for what i am looking for, although the music certainly was credible.

edit - just listened to deathchain......pretty fucking awesome and musically exactly what im talking about, but again, the vocals were too highpitched. At the end of the song "graveyard whitchery" the singer growls very deep "graveyard whitchery"...if he did this vocal style the entire song, this is what i am looking for. hope you understand. again, thanks for the help.
Yeah, I can't say I know any death/thrash bands that growl THAT LOW. And I don't see why it matters.
Devy_Metal said:
yea, thats more or less what i am talking about. for instance, there is a song on king of all kings by hate eternal called "servants of the gods" and the drumming is more of a thrashier style than the rest of the album as it's pretty much just tons of double bass work. i dont know the technical term for it, as im not a drummer, but it's just when you strike the bass drum and immediately follow with a snare hit...typical thrash drumming i guess. i want music centered around that kind of drumming but with brutal vocals. sorry if im being's hard for me to explain precisely what i am looking for.

edit: it's not that difficult, actually it's simple. take your traditional melodeath band like at the gates, nightrage or dimension zero, and instead of higher pitched shrieking vocals, substitute low, deep gutteral vox.

i just remembered that the new akercocke incorporates some thrash elements on their new cd and the vocals do go pretty deep( as well as pretty hard to decipher) so try that. i don t think you'll get exactly what you re lookin for.
Devy_Metal said:
straight death metal isnt what im talking about. i want more of a thrash based style. cant you read?

Straight death metal can be thrashy as hell. How the fuck do you think you get death metal ?

Do you honestly think that some melo-death band resembles thrash more than some regular older death metal band ?

You just want more melo-death bands.
Suffocation - Human Waste, though it's devoid of melodicism, is thrashy death metal with gutteral vocals.
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