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Ok for this request I do actually want Dodens' opinion.

Oh savant of the dark arts, I ask thee to reccomend me the best Morbid Angel albums. I prefer aggressiveness over doominess, but melody is always welcome.
specify which era of Death you're looking for

also, for Disembowelment... you might enjoy Evoken or Shade of Despair... not very similar though but it's all i can think of off the top of my head. other people should have better recommendations.
Banned said:
Massacre - From Beyond


anything as far later era Death too?

also, I've heard those two doom bands, I like them but its not exactly what I'm looking for...I want a band that is basically a clone cause I love that sound that Disembowelment have.
Zephyrus said:
I thought so. What about Covenant? I hear they pick up the speed a bit on that one.
"Covenant" is pretty good as well. Also, check out the "Abominations of Desolation" compilation if you're into thrashier stuff.
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