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Im pretty new to the black metal genre so could someone recommend me some good bands? I already know of the big bands like dimmu,
burzum,darkthrone,emperor etc..
I-Oblivion-I said:
Im pretty new to the black metal genre so could someone recommend me some good bands? I already know of the big bands like dimmu,
burzum,darkthrone,emperor etc..

Get Belenos - Spicilege, best black metal album ever released. It is perfect in every way possible.
I-Oblivion-I said:
Im pretty new to the black metal genre so could someone recommend me some good bands? I already know of the big bands like dimmu,
burzum,darkthrone,emperor etc..

Check out Mirrorthrone and Darkestrah
*is pwned*

HOWEVER...if we're gonna do actual MELODIC DEATH METAL:

Acephalus - Forgotten Shadows
In-Quest - Epileptic
Dawn Of Dreams - Darklight Awakening
Fleshless - Sensual Death Immitation
Avulsed - Gorespattered Suicide
Weeping Birth - A Painting Of Raven And Rape
Golem - Dreamweaver
Anata - The Infernal Depths Of Hatred
Scythe - On My Way Home
Fragments Of Unbecoming - Sterling Black Icon - III - Black But Shining
Mi'gauss - Open Season
Intestine Baalism - Banquet In The Darkness
Greenfly - Hidden Pleasures Of A Nonexistent Reality
Fleshcrawl - Made Of Flesh
Augury - Concealed
Unmoored - Indefinite Soul-Extension



If we are talking melo-death:

Holymarsh - In The Holymarsh (probably the best underground melo-death album ever)
Shadow - Shadow
Calmsite - Elvisdeath
A Canorous Quintet - The Only Pure Hate
Disarmonia Mundi - Mind Tricks
Omnium Gatherum - Spirits And August Light
Ablaze My Sorror - Anger, Hate And Fury
Hollenthon - With Vilest Of Worms To Dwell
Eternal Tears of Sorrow - Vilda Mánnu
Julie Laughs Nomore - When Only Darkness Remains
Callenish Circle - Drift Of Empathy
Searing Meadow - Corroding From Inside
Ebony Tears - Tortura Insomniae
Darkane - Expanding Senses
Enter My Silence - Remotecontrolled Scythe
Gardenian - Soulburner

Eh I'm done for tonight...sorry for all the namedropping, but this IS a rec thread...
Darkane - Expanding Senses

FINALLY somebody agrees with me that this is a fucking solid album. When it came out, I heard constant bitching because of the vocalist change. The album is heavy and worthy of headbanging. Love it.
Yeah it's a good album, maybe their best. I'm biased though; Fatal Impact was one of the first "heavier" melo-death songs I ever heard! It was even on the first metal mix CD I ever made...I remember hearing about them from a Nuclear Blast catalog type thing that came with a Soilwork CD I bought, saying it had members of them or something...fucking NOSTALGIA!

Also Sydow is way better than Mackrory; however Mackrory ruled on Andromeda's debut (at clean vox, however)...
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Download most but I have heard or own them all.

I'm 17 and work minimum wage, WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!? Haha.

What do you use to download these, I spent centuries looking for the Kronos albums and Gory Blister, and I have still fell short of finding Demigod or Holymarsh (the band you have mentioned many times.
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