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phr33kftw said:
can someone recommend me some Death metal albums that have really awesome guitar solos?

Gorefest are pretty under rated and have some nice guitar solos - mid to latter period Carcass aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand Dominus - The First 9 (if anyone else in the fucking world owns it).
Breakdowns... I need breakdowns. Don't recommend Deathcore, because I have pretty much all that's worthy... So I guess I'm asking for some brutal death metal albums with crazy breakdowns... Thanks
Carcassian said:
Oh, and the new Deicide is a guitar solo ridden piece of excellence.

That's because they have some wanky power metal guitarist now!.
I must repost

ohiogrinder said:
also, I've heard those two doom bands, I like them but its not exactly what I'm looking for...I want a band that is basically a clone cause I love that sound that Disembowelment have.
cookiecutter said:
Hehe, not judgin you, I was just curious how you know about SO MUCH STUFF!

Lots of advanced searches on M-A, lots of listening to shit and knowing how to categorize stuff, and lots of getting recommendations from various sites (, rateyourmusic)...finding new music is a big priority to me, so I put a lot of effort into's easy to right-click+download whatever you want, but you need motivation to actually weed out the good from the bad in any given genre.

MetalNoob said:
What do you use to download these, I spent centuries looking for the Kronos albums and Gory Blister, and I have still fell short of finding Demigod or Holymarsh (the band you have mentioned many times.

Soulseek and sometimes DC++ (mainly for super kvlt death metal stuff). With Soulseek, it helps if you have good connections. If you want to PM me, I can give out the name of the GameFAQs: Metal channel I am a regular of...despite how horrible GFAQs is for actual metal discussion, a lot of us (a LOT) have some super obscure stuff or just awesome stuff I mention. I don't have everything I mention, however; there are things I've heard that were good that I deleted a while ago due to space restrictions or just not being able to conveniently find it for purchase (or because I'm mainly saving for more important things such as college and a car). But still, IM (AIM) or PM (here) me if you want the name of that and other good rooms/channels!!

MetalNoob said:
Would you mind listing some of the brutal death metal albums ever, cookiecutter you're welcome to, because I have a hard getting to recommendations for this.'s a rough list of good stuff from lately (on my end)...I'll do more when I get home and have a better frame of reference:

Cenotaph - Pseudo Verminal Cadaverium
Emeth - Insidious
Odious Mortem - Devouring The Prophecy
Saprogenic - The Wet Sound Of Flesh On Concrete
Insidious Decrepancy - Decadent Orgy Of Atrocious Suffering
Woundeep - Weapons Of Mass Protection (probably one of the best brutal death demos ever)
Disconformity - Depravation Of Stigma mCD
V.V.V.V.V. what hubs DO you reccomend on DC++ - I'm in Extreme Metal, Grind Stuff, Requiem for a Doom, and +DOOM METAL+....none seem to have the extreme rarities I'm searching for (Sexcrement being one of them :erk:)
audiophileguy said:
recommend me similar artist to these

1) pentagram
2) arghoslent
3) slough feg
4) windir
5) destroyer 666

thank you

1) Witchfinder General
2) The Enchanted
3) Brocas Helm
4) Pass
5) Pass - maybe some of the faster Usurper stuff ?
Seraphim Belial said:
V.V.V.V.V. what hubs DO you reccomend on DC++ - I'm in Extreme Metal, Grind Stuff, Requiem for a Doom, and +DOOM METAL+....none seem to have the extreme rarities I'm searching for (Sexcrement being one of them :erk:)

I ALWAYS use pretty much strictly Grindstuff. Sometimes on SLSK I tend to have better luck because several people I know have retardedly underground stuff...

Sexcrement are one of those fuckin' kvlt demo br00tal bands, so I doubt you'll find their shit...I'll give it a looksee though. What else've you been looking for?

Also Sexcrement are from sorta nearby...ish.

EDIT: I found the Sexcrement stuff on Soulseek in the room DEATH METAL CLUB (case sens.). I'm gonna pick it up now and if you have AIM or something I can give it to you later if you don't use Soulseek...

audiophileguy said:
recommend me similar artist to these

1) pentagram
2) arghoslent
3) slough feg
4) windir
5) destroyer 666

thank you

1. Witchcraft
2. Manilla Road's remastered version of Mystification sounds like this album had it been done with clean vocals, essentially.
3. Manilla Road
4. Thyrfing? Taake?
5. Bloodstorm...maybe?
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