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(M)aggoT said:
Yeah. The movie is called "Intelekt Kollapse". It is a visual interpetation of music created by Profanum, inspired by such artists as Salvador Dali and movies like "Eraserhead" created by David Lynch. If "Intelekt Kollapse" is inspired by a movie like "Eraserhead" than it must be a very weird and dark creation I tell ya. "Eraserhead" is one of the weirdest movies I ever watched.

That's fuckin' cool.

Gonna find shit soon.
Krigloch hates Tape Nuts said:
recommend me some more black metal.
more epic the better. but none of that boring horrible sounding shit.
Hmm try these:
Nachtfalke - As The Wolves Died
Windir - Arntor
Graveland - Thousand Swords
Fjoergyn - Ernte im Herbst
Anael - On Wings Of Mercury
Abigor - Supreme Immortal Art
In The Woods - Heart Of Ages
Everyone who likes folk/black should check out Numen.

A friend recommended them to me. He described them to me as a "lesser Belenos" and in a way he is right. They do have many Belenos-isms going on, but at the same time have a sound of their own.

They hail from the Basque country, and use their native tounge Euskera, which is one of the oldest and most difficult languages still alive today in Europe.

The guitar work is good, and would make any fan of good black metal happy, the drums areconstantly going on keeping up a good pace, while still being interesting. Vocals, well here is one place that this band certainly excels. Aritz can hit the lowest of low death metal growls and then turn around and nail an excellent black metal shreik.

Adding to this wonderful mixture is very tasteful keyboard work. The band also uses traditional Basque instruments, most notable of these is the alboka, a wonderful sounding horn type instrument. Also used is something called a txalaparta.

Certainly a great band, one to keep an eye on and to check out
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