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Eyes Of The Insane said:
I'm already a big fan of them.

I'm told the Deathbreath album is a homage to very old skool death metal.

Best of old skool that springs immediately to mind -

Serpent Obscene
ohiogrinder said:
what is some black metal artists/albums that are similar to Deathspell Omega?
Old or new? I haven't come across anything like Kenose or the lengthy single songs. Kriegsmaschine sort of sounds like a mix of the older and newer style. I'm sure there are quite a few things sounding like the older material. Clandestine Blaze is a related band, so you might want to look into that. Check out Mgla too. The Crushing the Holy Trinity collection is a good place to start for CB and Mgla.
Spectacular Views said:
averse sefira's tetragrammatical astygmata is heavily influenced by smrc-era dso
Oddly enough I just referenced this album in the ANUS thread. I find it quite mediocre, and more influenced by Pure Holocaust. I sort of hear the SMRC influence, but I wonder with how long it took them to get the album out if they hadn't written quite a bit of it before SMRC actually came out.
V.V.V.V.V. said:
Rock based music using electric instrumentation, but opting for a completely different aesthetic and emotional feel than typical rock music...usually it's expansive, cathartic, and epic.

basically postrock goes repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition repetition CRESCENDO and every song is like that and 10-20 minutes long

i like it
Eyes Of The Insane said:
I'm looking for a death metal band. Something with some old school flavor. Sounds like Gorguts, (Old) Death, Pestilence, Cancer, Massacre, Autopsy, etc.

Any suggestions?

Nocturnus - The Key
Brutality - Screams of Anguish
Seance - Fornever Laid To Rest
Loudblast - Sublime Dementia
Morpheus Descends - Ritual of Infinity
Merciless - The Awakening
Cadaver - ...In Pains
Authorize - The Source of Dominion
Afterlife - Surreality
Creepmime - Shadows
Master - On the Seventh Day God Created... Master

These seem to fit the bill accurately.

And yeah, check out Torchure.
Everything Malignance said, but add:

Massacra - Final Holocaust

EDIT: I'm not quite sure Creepmime fits to what he's looking for, but the album is great, so check it out anyways.
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