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Reaper 69 said:
I need to find a good band to listen to. I've searched for one but was unsuccesful.
I'm looking for a speed/hardcore band. bands that i listen to are;

Fear Factory
Lamb of God
As I Lay Dying

Can anyone suggest a good band that ties in with these artists?

listen to Bolt
cookiecutter said:
My experience of Behemoth is pretty much just Demigod, but songs like Conquer All and Demigod are great. They are brutal and evil sounding. Conquer All has a hell of a solo too (I'm trying to play it now and it's very tough:()

That is a great album, its the album that got me into behemoth. I cant seem to find satanica anywhere, though....

I didnt like their black metal that much, it was so-so
Reaper69 said:
I need to find a good band to listen to. I've searched for one but was unsuccesful.
I'm looking for a speed/hardcore band. bands that i listen to are;

Fear Factory
Lamb of God
As I Lay Dying

Can anyone suggest a good band that ties in with these artists?

I endorse the jump from crap to satanism.

Dark Funeral

listen 2 these bands.

Mike27 said:
That is a great album, its the album that got me into behemoth. I cant seem to find satanica anywhere, though....

I didnt like their black metal that much, it was so-so

Took me a while to track down Satanica as well, but it was well worth it.
Eyes Of The Insane said:
Then you don't want to see Keith Bergman's reviews. Bergman's reviews make Anus and UltraBoris's review seem like the best reviews of all time.

It doesen't get any worse then Keith Bergman.
Don Kaye is 10x worse than Bergman, if you even consider Kaye to be a metal writer anymore.
Recommend me something more brutal than Meshuggah, more powerful than Behemoth, more gay than....Limp Bizkit, more metal than Iron Maiden, and also more Tool'ish than Tool. Holla back
I lost Behemoth with Demigod. 'demigod' just seems like left overs from Zos Kia Kultus and Thelma 666. I lost interest in the band really quick. Nothing really significant nor staying power.
Don;t dare mention Between The Buried And Me with those shit bands ever again. Or I'll ring you neck and burn you live (in the vatican)

What the fuck are you thinking?! How can you recommend HH to anyone in good conscience?

To Authentic Metalhead: Because he likes to listen to "core" bands. HH is popular in the hardcore world even though I hate them like hell itself.

To MetalNoob: He likes metalcore as suggested by Lamb Of God and Trivium hence my suggestions. I hate them as much as you do trust me.

Good start offs to real metal to me is In Flames, Opeth, and Children Of Bodom.
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