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Necuratul said:
I recall you praising the album when it first came out.

Me too. I originally loved it.

My reason for now hating it is that the novelty wore I see it, the band improved in almost every proficiency in terms of their respective instruments...Nergal's vox are more brutal and evil, the riffs are well crafted and heavy, and the drumming is Inferno's fastest perhaps ever, with all sorts of insane technique...however, they forgot an important part; writing interesting songs. I like ZKC because I find a lot of the music memorable.
Originally Posted by Reaper69
I need to find a good band to listen to. I've searched for one but was unsuccesful.
I'm looking for a speed/hardcore band. bands that i listen to are;

Fear Factory
Lamb of God
As I Lay Dying

Can anyone suggest a good band that ties in with these artists?

yeah, the metal bands that got me were pantera and metallica and soilwork and i even had some help from hardcore band hatebreed who i still have a soft spot for, anyway...reaper should listen to Threat Signal and Scar Symmetry cause coming from metalcore can be tough without the clean vocals being as copious, so these two bands can help as well as newer Mercenary
I like "Demigod" a lot, though I'll agree that it wears off after a while. The first couple of tracks are awesome, and then it gets a little boring, and picks up again with some of the later tracks ("Slaves Shall Serve").
Behemoth have never struck me as a particularly essential band to check out, I don't really know why. I guess it's their combination of 'industrial' style image, silly "ov" song titles, and my preference for old school death metal over these more modern efforts.
I'd suggest you start listenning to actual metal since you're on a metal forum, you should try start by easy listen like:

Arch Enemy
Dark Tranquility
the Crown
Amon Amarth
Epoch of Unlight
Strapping Young Lad

stuff like that... mostly melodic death metal since you like Trivium and that's the closest from it in the real metal realm.
Reaper69 said:
I need to find a good band to listen to. I've searched for one but was unsuccesful.
I'm looking for a speed/hardcore band. bands that i listen to are;

Fear Factory
Lamb of God
As I Lay Dying

Can anyone suggest a good band that ties in with these artists?

Ok where to begin... um... yeah... errr... why not try something completely different like Burzum? Or some old school Slayer or old Mercyful Fate or something good like that?
Reaper69 said:
Fear Factory

Thats only Band in that list I like and they are the only band in that list that isnt mallcore. For Fans Fear Factory, Here are some bands simular to them: Strapping Young Lad, Godflesh, Meshuggah and Nailbomb. I'm sorry but the rest of the bands on your list are mallcore so i'm not gonna give suggestion. Hopefully you'll listen to more real metal bands. If your looking for some speed and hardcore bands. When you mean hardcore I hope your not refering to Hatebreed. How about lets give you crossover to start with. Stormtroopers of Death, Suicidal Tendencies, D.R.I., Hirax, Cryptic Slaughter, and The Accused. For speed/thrash metal, start off with these bands. Anvil, Dark Angel, Kreator, Destruction, Megadeth, Hallows Eve, Motorhead, Testament, Overkill, Venom, Slayer, and Anthrax.
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