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I have had this discussion on the Opeth boards before. I give Jeff Loomis less respect as a guitarist for using a 7 string. I argued that it gives an advantage, especially for playing simple chugging riffs, while being able to hit the high notes as well. That is what gives their riffs a more heavy sound, even though they are not necessarily doing anything that creative riff-wise.
i used to think none so vile was awesome, until i heard whisper supremacy....they dont even compare
sorry for being random...AGAIN but sons of northern darkness is kicking my ass! took me a while to actually listen to immortal, they are fucking amazing
unknown said:
go listen to "42147" or "The Death of Passion" and tell me his rhythms are cliche(back when they used six string guitars)

the low string on a 7 string guitar is a low B (which Nevermore then tunes down a half step I believe)
Oh, I thought they actually tuned up from there to C or something. Maybe that was earlier with the six string.
Some of you guys are saying that Behemoth is pretty generic or average modern death metal. I am not even close to an expert on the subject, so I cannot refute this. I do enjoy Behemoth however, so if there are bands that do what they are doing better, tell me who they are, I would love to give them a listen. Thanks.
Impudent said:
Oh, I thought they actually tuned up from there to C or something. Maybe that was earlier with the six string.

mmm I don't think so. maybe for a couple of songs. the majority of the 6 string songs were tuned down a half step (Eb Ab...)
Hmmm i'm searching for some new bands... any recommendations? If you're not familiar with my taste, i enjoy stuff like Graveland, Negura Bunget, Deathspell Omega, Destroyer 666, early Samael, Helheim, etc.. and i also like some death metal like Asphyx, Bolt Thrower, early Tiamat, Entombet, etc.
They are not epic death metal. Their songs may be "epic" to some (and they are death metal), but they are not of the sub-subgenre "epic death metal", which consists of death metal with longer songs, drawn-out thematic parts, attention to atmosphere/emotion, etc. Nile is just fast death metal with some ounces of brutality here and there with a gimmick.
I've never before come across anyone who thinks 'epic death metal' is anything more than a descriptive term that can be applied to death metal which happens to be, well, epic but if you really want to try and legitimise this fairly dumb lable then be my guest.

On the other hand your analysis of Nile is simply wrong since their longer songs (and some of their shorter ones) unmistakeably make use of drawn-out thematic parts and pay remarkable attention to atmosphere/emotion. The 'gimmick' put down is one I thought you'd be above really, since every DM band since the beginning of time has a 'gimmick' and Nile only get attention for the astonishing amount of work Karl Sanders puts into their lyrics.
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