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Well I just dislike them and never got into them, so perhaps I could just plead general ignorance for now. I never thought of them as epic, though.
I'm curious as to how many death metal bands you've heard in the last decade to make such a fucking ridiculous claim. What you're saying is no less (allegedly) insane than me claiming them not to be epic death metal. They're just regular old death metal to these ears...
I didn't say them not being epic death metal was insane, just wrong. If you think I'm mad to say they're up with the elite then you have three options: you can make some kind of argument (since you seem to hold yourself as the authority, I've heard plenty of DM in the last ten years, thanks), you can accept that we look for different things in our heavy music (as we pretty much share no favourite bands anyway), or you can go back and listen to the brilliance of In Their Darkened Shrines and seek the depth, power, majesty and perfect mixture of melody and brutality that I find it serves up so well.
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Everyone should just stop listening to brutal type death metal bands altogether because they all suck.
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