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(M)aggoT said:
Anyway I am obsessed with Mayhems' "Chimera" album lately. How is it for you guys?

Pretty crappy. The only Mayhem album I like is De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas and even then I'm not a massive fan. I think it's fair to say I just don't like Mayhem much in general.
(M)aggoT said:
Filth Catalyst is the best to start. After FC is Peridition Insanabilis and then Hell Injection. You didn't like Filth Catalyst?

I liked it all right, but I though it would be better than it was. I'll get Pure Hell Injection tommarow and see about it.
Presently reading about the band Mors Principium Est, just looking for an opinion on them, they any good?
Killbot said:
Pretty crappy. The only Mayhem album I like is De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas and even then I'm not a massive fan. I think it's fair to say I just don't like Mayhem much in general.

thats the only Mayhem worth getting IMO. all the rest is crap.

edit: I take that back, Wolf's Lair Abyss is pretty fuckin good, too, even though its an EP and not a full-length album
It's not an EP, it's a live album bootleg, and I have it and I don't remember what the sound quality is like. I should listen to it tonight, and if it sucks too much I'll just switch the Live In Leipzig.
Necuratul said:
Deathcrush and Live In Leipzig.

Deathcrush would be good if it weren't for the craptacular songwriting.

I haven't listened to Live In Leipzig. probably cause I don't care for live albums.
Or you could listen to it and develop your own, and stop capitalizing non-proper names. :saint:

:lol: I get into a shift crazy mood sometimes and just capitolize random things. I like De mysteriis dom Sathanas so much, I just don't ever care to put on Deathcrush, but this makes me think Deathcrush is at least worth hearing.
I lump Deathcrush in the same category as The Oath of Black Blood. Neither has ANY musical appeal to me, but after several beers I can tolerate it enough to find it worthwhile.
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